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VoxImpact provides training and coaching related to personal presence, voice, and public speaking. Resources, tips, and inspiration for those interested in personal presence, communication, public speaking, Voice and body language.


5 Ways to Introduce Yourself Perfectly in 20 Words or Less [TEMPLATES]

Excellent article on how to introduce yourself in a simple and impactful way!

Fear of speaking – shifting the spotlight away from your ego

Being one of four daughters of hard-working parents, getting somebody's undivided attention was rare when I was a child. Until when at age seven I was asked to sing solo at the school end-of-year festivities. Suddenly all eyes and all ears were on me - and I found myself loving it. Finally I had the attention of everyone. Finally they had to listen to me. [ 639 more words ]

Se Présenter et Parler avec Assurance

Vous voulez que vos réflexions et vos idées soient prises au sérieux? L’idée de parler face à un public vous angoisse? Vous avez tendance à consacrer tout votre temps de préparation à l’élaboration de vos contenus plutôt qu’à l’impact visé par votre présentation? Vous aimeriez savoir comment améliorer vos compétences de communication non verbale pour influencer les autres? Alors l’atelier Se présenter et parler avec assurance est fait pour vous!

Se Présenter et Parler avec Assurance

Se Présenter et Parler avec Assurance - VoxImpact

Nouveaux: Suite à la popularité de l'atelier "Showing Up & Speaking with Impact", je suis fière à annoncer la première édition en français le 31 mars!

High Performance Public Speaking

Two days of public speaking, movement, voice and storytelling. Lausanne May 15-16, 2017.

High Performance Public Speaking

Unlocking the Power of Your Voice

Full day workshop for max 8 participants. Learn to use your voice as a real communications tool: First, get the most out of your "instrument" - setting up your body to get a powerful, rich voice with less effort. Second, “making music” with your voice – speaking in a way that makes people want to listen to you.

Unlocking the Power of Your Voice

Showing Up & Speaking with Impact

Full day interactive workshop for max. 6 participants. Learn to use your body and voice to assert yourself in meetings, conversations, and presentations.

Showing Up & Speaking with Impact

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Full day workshop Jan 27 in Geneva: Using Your Voice for Greater Influence. 20% discount to my network - contact me for registration code.

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Happy New Vocal Year everyone! I'll be running a full day voice workshop at the Geneva Communicators Network on Jan 27, and can offer a 20% discount to my network (contact me for the code). Workshop info at

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Can you say that a bit louder, please?

Many of those who come to me for voice coaching want to learn to speak louder. Tired of having to repeat themselves or seeing people lean forward and frown every time they speak, they want to know how they can make themselves heard. It may sound like a trivial thing to do, just to turn up the volume knob a bit. [ 730 more words ]

Unlocking the Power of Your Voice - VoxImpact

Does your voice get in the way of getting your message across? Join us on January 17 to bring your voice back to life!


Thanks for capturing this moment of last night's event, Aurore Dawn Donné!
