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facebook.comA new piece of adware dubbed CopyCat has infected 14 million Android devices around the world, according to researchers at security firm Check Point. For more details, access the link below:
Cloud v. Data Center: Key trends for IT decision-makers. Cloud-native applications running on a mix of private and public cloud infrastructure may be the future, but the traditional on-premises data center will be around for a while yet. Follow the link below to get more information.
Security Is A Constantly Moving Target, Isn't It Time To Secure The Hardware? The answer can be found in the below article.
That Fingerprint Sensor on Your Phone Is Not as Safe as You Think. In computer simulations, the researchers from the universities were able to develop a set of artificial “MasterPrints” that could match real prints similar to those used by phones as much as 65 percent of the time. Follow the link below to get more information.
Samsung Galaxy S8 vs iPhone 8 Samsung is poised to launch a new flagship, this time as the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 Plus. Meanwhile, Apple has a special year; it's the iPhone’s 10th birthday and Apple is believed to be introducing a TON of new features, specs and a brand new design language. Follow the link below to get more information.
Hello March! Let spring begin! The Winify Company wishes you a beautiful spring!
The 'invisible' malware that allows hacker to remotely control ATMs: Cybercriminals are using 'invisible' malware to attack banks across the globe. Passwords and financial data have been stolen from more than 140 banks and other enterprises in 40 countries using the organizations' own software. The digital strikes targeted computers that operate automatic teller machines, letting hackers 'push money out of the banks from within the banks'. Follow the link below to get more information.
'123456' still the most common password, despite hacks and warnings Almost 17% of computer users used the password "123456" in 2016, according a new report from Keeper Security. The second most popular password of 2016 was "123456789." Follow the link below to get more information.
How to Develop Your Technology Idea It’s pretty clear that technology rules the world. No business would be caught without technology backing their infrastructure, and consumers rely on their various gadgets and software daily. Getting into this market is a sure moneymaker. But if you have a brilliant tech idea and no background in technology, can you make it? Follow the link below to get more information.
Which Is Better for Client Satisfaction: Waterfall or Agile Development? Commonly referred to as “waterfall” and “agile” development, these approaches both have pros and cons, but which is better? The answer can be found in the below article.
Mobile Banking and Mobile Wallets – What’s the difference? There is a fundamental difference between mobile banking and mobile payments. According to Forrester Research, 31% of US online consumers who own a mobile phone are interested in or already use mobile payments for in-store purchases, up from 18% in 2011. However, while 61% of US consumers have heard of a digital wallet, only 11% use one. But that is expected to change. Americans are expected to spend $90 billion through mobile payments by 2017, up from $12.8 billion in 2012, according to Forrester. Follow the link below to get more information.
Self-service checkouts could soon identify people who don't pay for their shopping. Patent for system has been filed by New York-based Symbol Technologies. It works by using an algorithm that plugs in data on factors such as area safety, time of day, shopping history, customer profile and queue length. Software then alerts a shopping assistant if a customer is 'high risk'.