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Kenzan Studios

Route des Jeunes 59, Carouge, Switzerland
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L’univers fascinant des “Voyages Fantastiques de Téo & Léonie” est déployé sur différents supports, en réelle interaction les uns avec les autres.

Tout en restant très cohérentes, les déclinaisons graphiques sont adaptées à chaque support et permettent de s'immerger totalement dans l'univers de Téo et Léonie pour y vivre de fabuleuses aventures.

Un e-Magazine développera de façon amusante et interactive l’univers attachant dans lequel nos personnages évoluent.

L’aventure continuera également sur Internet, avec des contenus exclusifs.


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Our CEO, Ronny Tobler, talks about the economics of VR arcades at SSVAR #kenzanarena

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Téo & Léonie leave the office of their creators: Follow their journey through town to the Salon du livre, Genève (26th to 30th of April) on Téo & Léonie.

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Photos from Kenzan Studios's post

Fun for the whole family! Impressions from our Virtual Reality Attraction at Shopping Mall Einkaufszentrum Letzipark

Photos from Kenzan Studios's post

Hear what this lady has to say about our virtual reality promotion product at Einkaufszentrum Letzipark mall in Zürich: "It's Amazing"

Hear what this lady has to say about our virtual reality promotion product at Einkaufszentrum Letzipark mall in Zürich: "It's Amazing"

Radio Fiume Ticino

Experience VR at Centro Commerciale Tenero until the 15th of April! Next stop: Einkaufszentrum Karussell Kreuzlingen

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The coolest CEO in town: Ronny Tobler arrives at the Bologna Children's Book Fair with style on a state-of-the-art #BoostedBoard sporting Snapchat glasses!

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Kenzan Studios CEO Ronny Tobler shares his vision at the the Digital Cafe at Bologna Children's Book Fair.

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C'est officiel, la première Kenzan Arena va ouvrir à Zurich cet été! Même Le Matin en parle dans l'édition d'aujourd'hui !

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Kenzan Arena | The First Cutting Edge VR Playground that has Profitability in its DNA

Today our CEO unveiled Kenzan Arena at the Silicon Valley Virtual Reality - SVVR press conference. We believe that we have developed the ultimate VR experience. Learn more about the high-precision tracking system by Noitom and our high-quality games which have been entirely designed in Switzerland on

The Lost Pit Teaser SVVR

The Lost Pit VR will be the first badass FPS VR game. The game accompanies our free-roaming VR experience, Kenzan Arena, which was announced today. The first Kenzan Arena is going to open in Zurich in late summer. Everything you see is done without VFX or any post-production.

The Economics of VR Arcades

Téo & Léonie


NEAR Kenzan Studios