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imtmedical ag

Gewerbestrasse 8, Buchs, Switzerland
Medical & Health



imtmedical ag The spirit of innovation.

At imtmedical, we create since the foundation in 1999 high-performance, affordable biomedical ventilators and testing devices by developing, manufacturing and distributing top-quality respiratory care medical devices. Combining leading technology with affordable pricing is one of our credos; delivering with precision and speed our highest priority. imtmedical is dedicated to establishing long-term relationships with our clients as well as our employees. We do this for a good reason; being a valued partner is the best incentive for creating a long-term competitive advantage. We constantly adapt our products, structures and processes to ever-changing conditions. But, our values never change: close collaboration with our customers, continuous innovation, and employees dedicated to the highest level of quality. Development, documentation and production of imtmedical products is based on the guidelines for CE and FDA concessions.


Der enge Kontakt zu unseren Kundinnen und Kunden und der Fokus auf ihre praktischen Bedürfnisse ist für imtmedical selbstverständlich. Deswegen führen wir auf der ganzen Welt Schulungen und Trainings durch und unterstützen sie auch in ihrer täglichen Arbeit. In den vergangenen Monaten waren wir unter anderem in Japan und Abu Dhabi aktiv. John Yao von unserem chinesischen Geschäftspartner Tokibo reiste mit einer Gruppe Neonatal-Ärzte nach Japan. Dort besuchten sie Dr. Miyasakas Simulationszentrum, wo er ein Referat zu den Beatmungsmodi von bellavista hielt und die Teilnehmenden ein bellavista 1000 Beatmungsgerät testen konnten. Unsere Mitarbeiter führten daneben in Abu Dhabi ein Service-Training über Wartungsarbeiten, Software-Updates und die Behebung möglicher Fehler durch. Interessante Fachgespräche und viele Tipps für den täglichen Gebrauch von bellavista prägten den mehrtätigen Kurs. #imtmedical #abudhabi #japan #training #bellavista #ventilator

Take a look and learn more about the measurement capabilities of imtmedical’s premium bench-top ventilator tester. FlowAnalyser PF-300 – The Gold Standard in measuring. The FlowAnalyser PF-300 provides highest precision and reliability. With this gas flow analyser, you are able to test, verify and calibrate any kind of medical device that exerts pressure or produces flow ̶ such as ventilators, respirators and anaesthesia machines. #flowanalyser #imtmedical #ventilatortester #medicaldevice #video #gasflowanalyser #goldstandard #measuring

Stimulating technical discussions and many tips for the daily use of our ventilators marked the multi-day service training in Abu Dhabi. We thank all participants for the interest in the maintenance of bellavista ICU ventilators and our company. #imtmedical #bellavista #ventilator #intensivecareunit #trainings #ICU #medicaldevice

Look at the video and learn more about how to use bellavista. bellavista ventilators offer you a comprehensive and versatile solution for the ventilation of every patient. Easy to apply and adapt to the individual needs, bellavista allows maximum comfort to the patient. #howtousebellavista #bellavista #imtmedical #video #medicaldevice #intensivecareunit

Imtmedical is pleased that bellavista ventilators now have been in use in Ecuador for several months. Like Dr. Eduardo Troya Quiroga, head of the intensive care unit at the police hospital, says, the nursing staff is very content: «We have been operating the bellavista 24/7 on patients with different diagnoses and prognoses. It has surpassed all our expectations required for the ventilation management of all our critically ill patients.» If you want to learn more about our ventilators, visit our website. #bellavista #ventilator #intensivecareunit #ecuador

Our contact with clients is a self-evident part of our service at imtmedical. For this reason, John Yao from our business partner Tokibo in China, recently took a group of Chinese neonatal doctors to Japan. They visited Doctor Miyasaka's simulation center where the participants were given the opportunity to test a bellavista 1000 ventilator first hand. #imtmedical #bellavista #training #japan #intensivecareunit #ventilator #medicaldevice

bellavista ICU ventilators offer you numerous tools to ventilate and give therapy to your patients. Take a look at our brief overview to learn more #bellavista #imtmedical #ventilation #ICU #medicaldevice

For any further test than a simple functional check of ventilators and anesthesia machines, you need an adaptable and adjustable test lung. The cost-effective, versatile test lungs of imtmedical cover all needs of daily use in the respiratory care field. Visit our webstore to learn more about our worldwide popular products. #testlung #ventilator #imtmedical #anesthesiamachines #ICU #medicaldevice #respiratorycare #respiratorycarefield

The latest ventilator from imtmedical, the bellavista 1000e, scores with several improvements. In addition to a high-resolution 17.3" glass touchscreen, it convinces with better clarity and new therapy options. #imtmedical #bellavista #bellavista1000e #ICU #ventilation #ventilator #medicaldevice #medicalequiptment #touchscreen

CITREX H5 - The best mobile test device in its class The CITREX H5 gas flow analyzer is an ideal all-in-one test device for biomedical engineers, independent service providers and anesthesia and respiratory equipment manufacturers - convince yourself! #CITREXH5 #CITREX #imtmedical #gasflowanalyzer #medicaldevice #measurement #simple #fast #versatile

Wi-Fi - now available on CITREX H5 The CITREX H5 platform with its intuitive user interface supports all users with simple, fast and versatile features. All CITREX H5 devices can now receive their software updates via Wi-Fi. With customizable notifications the user is able to update the ventilator tester software making new features and device improvements available instantly. Contact us for more information. #CITREXH5 #imtmedical #Wifi #medicaldevice #medicalequipment #measurement #ventilatortester #simple #fast #versatile

Besuchen Sie uns noch bis am Freitag, 9. Juni, an der diesjährigen ESPNIC in Lissabon! Unsere Mitarbeiter erwarten Sie am Stand Nummer 16, wo wir Ihnen das bellavista Neo, unser Beatmungsgerät für die kleinsten und sensibelsten Patienten, persönlich demonstrieren werden. Mit dabei ist natürlich auch unser Maskottchen «Mounty», das Angehörigen in Form von Mood Buttons auf dem Beatmungsgeräte-Bildschirm dabei hilft, die ansonsten technische und sterile Atmosphäre von Spitälern freundlicher wahrzunehmen. #ESPNIC #bellavistaneo #imtmedical


NEAR imtmedical ag

Krempel Tanzbar

Buchs, Switzerland