GLEIS1 ClubKultur
Der Verein Gleis1 ClubKultur bezweckt die Förderung aktueller Musik-Kultur im Wallis und veranstaltet zu diesem Zweck Anlässe im Perron1 in Brig.
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Gleis1 präsentiert: Boounie's birthday bash DJs: Matto (Hot Jam) Spiegelbild (Bern) Deecoy (el azra)
Wir freuen uns sehr! Du dich auch?
Samstag ist Tanztag! Nicht verpassen!!
bisschen Vorfreude!
USCHI&HANS (Berlin) Deecoy (el azra) USCHI&HANS =========== Duo like Bonny and Clyde, but they don't steal, except your hearts! With lots of charme, loaded with electronic gems and this certain dose of crazyness those two globetrotters put a spell on all clubbers in the universe. They heard and found each other in 2010. U&H were both educated in music very. Their souls emit electric vibes projecting magical sounds. Sometimes weird, then melodic, slow, fast... no, they can't be pigeon-holed! To them a world without borders also means music without borders. Play what you love is their creed on their tour. So listen up and be enchanted. Do what you love!