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Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""

Thunstrasse 97, Bern, Switzerland
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)



It is a None Governmental organization with focus on youth education in Africa for under privilege kids. Solid basic education is a key to higher learning.


Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""

Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""

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Join us on the 3rd of June 2017 at the WeissenHaus Platz, Bern Switzerland! It's an open Air Fashion and and food festival of all Cultures! It's an Educational fundraising!

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Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""

Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""

Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""'s cover photo

Please join us in support of "Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa -SHOSFA" our Educational Foundation for the children of Africa ages 4 to 10years. This event will be held on June 3rd, 2017 @ the Waisenhausplatz, Bern, Switzerland. It is an "Open air" African fashion Run-Way, with food and drinks Festival! All in one! 35% Sales of our fashion collection will go towards the SHOSFA Foundation! Please help us educate the African Child!

Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa - Shosfa""'s cover photo

Join us on the 6th of August for the Launching of the Sisterhood Of Switzerland For Africa, at the Murifeld, Muristrasse 75a. All food and African fashion sales 50% will go to the upcoming Project of the Sisterhood. We look forward to seeing you there!!

We challenged ourselves since 2013, to save gold and silver coins as a good luck charm in other to take on this organization with like minds sisters to work towards educating young minds of our future leaders of Africa. We will be launching our first event as soon as time permits us, that will enable us begin our first project in Africa. We hope with prayers that all sympathizers of SHOSFA can join in and help pull it out. Looking forward to a brighter future of our young kids of Africa, with focus on LIBERIA 🇱🇷.✌🏾️🙏🏽

Thanks to everyone that took their time in liking my page, and sending kind words. I highly appreciate it. You all be bless.👍🏾✌🏾️

To all friends, current and future members of this organization, please be informed that we are about to kick start this (NGO), that has been on hold for the past two years and counting. I think the time is right in Jesus' name, to get working. As you all have read, the purpose of this is not for self, or for good times, but to build the young minds of our future leaders. As I have said before, and as we all may know, Education is the key to success and better life. Therefore, to all those of my sisters that had shared your interest in being a part of this organization since two years ago, please be ready as I call upon you for your contribution to get our joint efforts, and get it running. Your ideas are also contributions to the purpose. We are going to get this NGO running by creating lots of events, in other to raise funds for the series of projects awaiting us in Africa. It is my prayers that, in anything that you put your mind on to help Humanity, it is certain our Heavenly Father is there to guide you and to see it through no matter the circumstances. Thanks to all, and I looked forward to hearing from you. God Bless.🙏🏽


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