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Astro Energy

Bridelstrasse 99, Bern, Switzerland




Don't take things too serious

Love yourself

Web in english Life Consultant with heart <3


This is only a test ;)

Love Humans are multifaced, multilayered beings, each one unique. In a birth chart, planets in signs and houses show how an individual tends to polarize, at diffierent energetic levels and into different areas of consciousness, to form his or her unique character and expression. Each one of us responds to and interacts with life experiences in this way. The elightened being exists in the balance of all the faces of consciouness, where all the senses are equally availabe, informing and guiding them in the present moment to work in harmony with the forces of Nature and the Divine. We, as individuals, are like the Sun. We are at the centre of our own solar system, our own universe, thought in reality wer are just one of the uncountable multiude of Suns that make up the universe. In a solar system, the force of the Sun is what holds all the planets in theur orbits. The orbits show each planet’s relationship to the Sun. An orbit reveals the density of the gravitational, magnetic, or vibrational pull of the sun at a certain distance from the sun and can be likened to a level of consciounes of the sun. The position of a planet in its orbit can be seen to show where energy is polarized at that level of consciouness of the sun in any given moment. The planets in their orbit can be seen to be like sensors, with extend the suns consciouness out into space. The relationship of the planets to the sun represents graphically the relationship of the level of consciouness withtin us to our centre core being. Balance leads to radiant life. Radiance is our birthright. #astrology

Energy update

The study of astrology can show us how to train our perspective to be loving, broad, and balanced, rather than polarized, so that we can realize the limitlessness of our potential and creativity. Astrology is a language that can convey graphically things that are very difficult to express any other way. The system of astrology demonstrates and make comprehensible the laws of polarities. The laws of polarities reveal that like attracts a complementing likeness, love attracts a complementing love in return, and everything calls for a response to match whatever is put forth. The laws of polarities reveal that we need only strive to percieve all the world through loving eyes, to love ourselves and others, and to lovingly care for our physical body and the Nature that sourrounds us and then experience the cooperation of life in response and the realization of our creative potential as Divine spiritual beings.

Fullmoon in Saggatarius Joy and positivity Tolerance and respect Wisdom and philosophy Endulge yourself in the energy of those words and let your intuition guide you to the right actions So be it!

<3 appreciate the beauty around you <3

Love is the only way to go

Tolerance for everybodys perspective <3


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