Deli Projects
DELI Projects is a non-profit organization founded by the curators Jenny Baumat, Benedikt Wyss and Philippe Karrer. \\\\\ WELCOME TO DELI PROJECTS /////
Deli Projects is a non-profit organization founded by the curators Jenny Baumat, Benedikt Wyss and Philippe Karrer, sharing the aim to support collaborations between artists and curators from all over the world in Basel. Deli Projects organizes exhibitions that encourage intercultural exchanges, expanding to the fields of fine arts, applied arts, as well as music in different spaces in Basel. Each time an artist is invited to interact in-situ with the given space. At each exhibition, other artists will be invited to interact with the work and space.
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facebook.comChristopher Füllemann in conversation with Karen Gerig
Farewell Christopher Füllemann, it was nice meeting you!
Artist Christopher Füllemann in conversation with critic Karen...
Farewell Christopher Füllemann, it was nice meeting you!
Deli Projects's cover photo
Deli Projects's cover photo
Deli Projects
...ab 18 Uhr mit Christopher und Michel im Trikot, in der Kaserne Basel und dazwischen.
Herr Massmünster, was macht die Nacht in Basel aus?
Interessantes Interview von Naomi Gregoris mit Michel Massmünster anlässlich unseres Ausstellungsprojekts Im Taumel der Nacht, das diesen Freitag in der Museumsnacht Basel 2017 / Nuit des musées bâlois eröffnet. Dann gibts auch Nachtrundgänge mit ihm, dem Kulturanthropologen und «Kraft seines Amtes Nachtforscher» ( – Freitag, 20. Januar / 20, 22 und 24 Uhr / Restaurant Concordia (vis-à-vis Trikot).
Deli Projects's cover photo
Unsere Kultur-Highlights zum Jahresstart - 20 Minuten Friday