ATLAS Communications SA
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS YAESU NEWS! "SYSTEM FUSION INSTALLATION" We are pleased to inform you that we extend the DR-1X Installation Support Program. Incentive Program Name: System Fusion Installation Support Program Qualified Products: DR-1XE Effective Dates: January 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017 For any further detail, please visit our web-site at: Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with us! Best regards, YOUR ATLAS TEAM
- YAESU NEWS! We inform our valued customers that the "FT-991 Hardware Upgrade Kit" will be avalailable AFTER Jan.30th. This upgrade kit allows to add the following features of the FT-991A to the original FT-991: - Real-Time Spectrum Scope - Multi-Color Waterfall Display - Select from Seven Spectrum Scope Display Colors - Select from Seven Display Colors or Multi-Color Waterfall Display Feel free to contact us for any information at our email address.
- HYTERA NEWS! See news on our website at
- MOTOROLA NEWS! See news on our website at
- YAESU NEWS: We inform our valued customers that the NEW Yaesu M-1 is now avalailable! More info at
- YAESU NEWS: We inform our valued customers that new Yaesu SP-10 & SP-20 are now avalailable! Please find more informations at &
Alpha Delta Communications
We inform our valued customers!!! - Diamond: 2017 catalogue now avalailable! - Daiwa: New range CN-5XX & CN-9XX now avalailable! - Rig Expert: New AA-55 Zoom now avalailable! More informations at - MFJ: 2017 catalogue now avalailable! Expecially we bring to your attention some new products - Alpha Delta: catalogue avalailable!
Photos from ATLAS Communications SA's post
Corporate Dinner. Christmas 2016.
Photos from ATLAS Communications SA's post
Atlas strengthens its know-how for enhancing the Hytera's Performance: Our General Manager Mr. Gianfranco Maciocci (HB9FAS) attending the programming traning @Hytera accompaigned by an awarded customer, Mr. Stefano Foppoli (HB9FPO) #Hytera #DMR #Atlascommunications
Photos from ATLAS Communications SA's post
Corporate dinner. Summer 2016.
Timeline Photos
Atlas staff's t-shirts.
Photos from ATLAS Communications SA's post
Our team: Gianfranco, the management Brigitte, the backoffice staff Emiliana, the bookkepper Giulia, customer service Laura, the management assistant Kato, the Engineering DPT and After Sales Service Mario, after sales technical service Enrico, the Warehouse and spare part gathering staff