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Lockhart Fitness Nutrition

Fluhmattstrasse 37, Baden, Switzerland




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Try to eat no more than 30% acidic foods, while eating 70% greens vegetables, fruits, nuts seeds and grains, every day! Most of us eat much more meat (animal protein) than we really need. Change that ratio and you change your health, automatically! Stay away from sugar and too much salt!

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Take advantage of the wide variety of fruits that nature has to offer and the amazing benefits they offer to the body. Fruits and vegetables have been known to heal sickness and disease for thousands of years!

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More beans, fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, smoothies, seeds, nuts and a reasonable amount of exercise. Far less meat, and dairy products. Six months from today, you'll be a new person!Take the challenge! Start today!

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The food companies have hijacked our taste buds and tricked us into bad nutrition. The medical and health care industry then sink their teeth in and drain us till we die. Can't say enough about keeping a good ph level in the blood and tissues. Your health will change drastically for the better just by eating more alkaline foods, and less foods that produce acid. It's really that simple!

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I honestly don't know much about this vegetable, but obviously it has many benefits for your health. Try it and let me know what its like!

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A reminder: High blood pressure can lead to severe damage of vital organs in the body, and without warning! Monitor your blood pressure often and cut down on salt, drastically.

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Photos from Lockhart Fitness Nutrition's post

Photos from Lockhart Fitness Nutrition's post

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The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease. We need to help this system perform at its best through the foods we eat, water and plenty of sleep and exercise!

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Refuse to accept bad health and sickness as normal. Take an active part in regaining your vitality and strength by making changes to your routine. Change is a challenge, accept it and win!

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Although milk, cheese and other dairy products are full of calcium, they also produce mucous, are highly acidic and create an environment of disease in the body. You need calcium to strengthen teeth and bones, especially in the 4th quarter of the game of life. But cows milk was made for cows, not humans. Get your calcium from other sources and get healthier by the day!

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These foods are important because they are highly alkaline and help absorb the body's acid, keeping the ph balance of your blood and tissues, at a healthy level. Too much acid creates a dangerous environment in the body, where sickness and disease can grow! You can change your health around in a matter of weeks by eating more fruits and vegetables, and less meat and dairy products.

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