Swiss Crypto Mining & Pools
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ALPMINE002 - perhaps Switzerland's most powerful super-computer...
Alpereum Mining Rig - Gen II (Beta)
From our tech laboratory: Our current generation mining rig (gen. II - Beta) By popular demand, we will be releasing the complete guide to GPU-mining shortly (for Q3 - 2016), including detailed budgets and setup guides (hardware, software & configurations) recommended by Alpereum as best over-all packages, considering hash-rate/power consumption, stability and ease-of-setup and use.
Vitalik Buterin: CRITICAL UPDATE Re: DAO Vulnerability
We stand ready to support the DAO Investors and the Ethereum Foundation with the upcoming soft fork! #DAOhack
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GRAND OPENING - ZERO POOL FEES HONEST, TRANSPARENT, AND PROFESSIONAL POOL. We have been waiting and waiting for the time to come. The time for us to allow all you fellow miners to join the Alpereum Ether Pool. We are so proud and excited about our new pool, that we have chosen a pool fee of 0 % for the first several weeks. We take great pride in all of our projects and we guarantee you that you will only experience an honest, transparent, and professionally run pool. Join the Alpereum Pool now and benefit from zero pool fees for the first several weeks! Stratum Host: Port: 3001 Simply use your Ether wallet address and a worker name. ------------------------ More Info Here: ------------------------ Need help setting up your miner(s)? Check out our Help Center!
Alpereum - Open Mine - Grand opening 16th April 2016
The opening of the Alpereum Ether Mine on the 16th of April, where Bitcoin Suisse AG and Cryptocash could reveal the newest big Ether Mine to the world. Many people chose to visit the Alpereum Mine, including Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, and Ming Chang, Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation, and we were more than happy to see all the visitors. For more information about Alpereum crypto mining and mining pools, please visit:
Schweizer schürfen in Alpen nach Bitcoin-Konkurrenz
The Swiss newspaper Handelzeitung reports about the opening of our new Ether mine.
Open Mine
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After months of planning, hard work and efford, we are happy to announce the Alpereum Project; Swiss crypto-currency mining and pool mining. This project has seen the light of day in a cooperation between Bitcoin Suisse AG and CryptoCash AG, with a focus on performance, transparency, stability, credibility, security and reliability. With electricity produced at a local hydro-electric, and with a significant hash-rate in support of the Ethereum network, this project is more ecologically sustainable, and by introducting Switzerland as a significant mining juristiction, it breaks with the previous more centralized geographical crypto-mining distribution. Visit our website at: Press release: