Cargo Cult
One platform serving Hawai'ian Islands to compare available container space by pricing. While figuring out the path of least resistance to export Hawai'i-made products to Switzerland, I was challenged by the whole exporting process.
Then I realized this challenge/problem is an opportunity to create a streamlined service that benefits businesses in Hawai'i.
In June 2015, I pitched the idea at Startup Weekend Honolulu, formed a team and presented the platform. Our team didn't place, but there was interest in the idea and encouragement to continue with the project.
By August 2015, I discovered Dr. David Keanu Sai's work establishing the US occupation of the Hawai'ian Kingdom.
In light of these facts from Dr. Sai, the project will take a different approach for project development.
If you are with a freight forwarder or a freight liner company serving the Hawai'ian Islands and empathetic to the Hawai'ian Kingdom, please send a message via FB to be added to our database as preferred companies.
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