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natific AG

Industriestrasse 111, Aesch, Switzerland
Apparel & Clothing



We enable leading textile supply chains – For proactive and improved color and quality compliance It’s about getting color and quality compliant garments to the stores as efficient and effective as possible, without a difference between your color and quality standard, the on-going production and what lands in the stores. You can foresee and improve you color’s accuracy and precision and quality compliance throughout the supply chain.

Our hands on expertise and software solutions are in the centre of any textile supply chain. Our know-how and quality management systems help you to be proactive, realize continuous improvements, and enable you and your supply chain partners to become more efficient and effective in color and quality compliance.

Your fast track benefits include lead time and cost savings, as well as organic support of sustainability goals. Fewer lab dip submissions and higher first time approval rates reduce the amount of dyes, chemicals, water, and energy required. Additional results include reduced carbon footprints, compliance with restricted substances, less overtime for workers and minimized late cancellations and waste.



Do you achieve “sparking white” or “50 shades of grey”? We are preparing for a webinar to discuss how to manage one of your highest volume colors – WHITE! What's your experiences, thoughts and questions about white? Let us know what you would like us to discuss during the webinar - bring it on!

Imagine that your colors are in production. This is the time when you need real-time transparency in your supply chain. How about getting notifications for batches that are out-of-tolerance? And to be able to act on them from any of your devices, wherever you are? natific's web-based system, the ColorWarehouse, enables you as a retailer to see the shade continuity from batch-to-batch and to compare shades from different suppliers. And, garment manufacturers can connect to the ColorWarehouse Network to see their fabric supplier’s production status and color quality results in real-time. Would you like a demo? Contact us at

Neil Harbisson's "eyeborg" allows him to hear colors, even those beyond the range of sight. Technology is thrilling!

What processes can you improve in your retail supply chain to be faster and closer to trends? With a feasible digital color standard, it will only take seconds for your supply chain to receive your color request in natific’s web-based system ASAP. You can take all of your colors, prints and patterns and use ASAP to send your color requests. You can also communicate, make your color assessments digitally or visually, approve or cancel your colors and track the performance.

…what’s your ultimate goal? It’s all about the end-customer, right? Everyone in the retail supply chain benefits by transitioning from being color reactive to proactive and predictive. We are here for you to make the shift, don't hesitate to contact us.

"We experienced endless and frequent processing of lab dips. All in all, too much time and money was wasted on developing lab dips and on courier services." The result? Read the latest natific news to find out how a mill's dream became reality. (Link in the comment area)

Life should be simple and joyful, right? By connecting color technologies and services, the complete lifecycle of a color (from design-concept to customer, throughout the whole retail supply chain) can be managed with natific's Color Lifecycle Management (CLM). The CLM is interlinked with the retailers existing PLM system for a seamless colorful flow.

Your main focus should be to move forward. But what do you spend most of your time doing? What you want is superfast and meaningful statistics and reports to support your color coordination in store and improvements for the coming season.

How do you speed up your supply chain? It's a key factor to success and one of the major topics in retail supply chains. You might want to consider this... The Color Accreditation Program (CAP) trains your suppliers with the goal to eliminate the need for lab dips and first production submits. Training is the new inspection!

Do you want to join an open minded and diverse group of Junior and Senior professionals who like to work in a positive and informal environment? We are looking for an IT Project Manager. (Link in comment)

It’s soon time to think about next year’s trend colors and color palette. As you might know, some colors and quality requirements are more difficult to meet in the production than others. But even if you choose new colors every season, in general, your color challenges don’t change.

natific believe that educated brands and supply chain teams drive effective processes. Despite this, personnel who handle color processes and color communication often lack crucial knowledge and understanding. How is it in your supply chain? It’s important to educate designers and retail personnel to meet the need of the designer and the execution timing, accuracy, and precision of the sourcing team. This is a delicate balance for all supply chains.
