Specialist organic Forest and Heather Honey producers. Om oss och vår honung från Värmland och Dalarna
Renheten och smaken i vår skogs- och ljunghonung är unik. Den intensiva renheten i detta osedvanligt rena och naturliga land fångas upp av våra bin som livnär sig på den. I varje burk med denna himmelska skatt innesluts nektar från underbara mattor av vilda skogsblommor som har en kort men fantastiskt praktfull blomning.
Den Swedish Forest Honey är verkligt välgörande och hälsosam. Den kommer från helt giftfria och icke genmanipulerade skogsmarker som ligger långt från något kemiskt, industriellt jordbruk. Det finns inga giftämnen i Swedish Forest Honey.
Vi månar om våra fantastiska bins hälsa och säkerhet och vi är stolta över att samtliga våra bisamhällen finns på ekologisk mark där bina kan äta utan risker. Vi anser bestämt att de är ytterst viktiga djur och vi gör allt vi kan för att säkra deras framtid.
Alla våra produkter är verkligt välgörande och hälsosamma. Obehandlad, naturlig, obearbetad honung (ingen värmebehandling eller infrysning av vår honung) och i våra smaksatta honungar använder vi endast örter, kryddor, oljor och naturliga essenser.
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Visit us at Jokkmokk Winter Market. 2017 Feb 2, 3 and 4th The market was officially established 1605 by King Karl IX. Sami people from all over come and trade at the market, one of the main attractions being the Sami handicraft and art. Jokkmokk's Market has a long history and is considered to have a four hundred-year unbroken tradition. The market is held the first consecutive Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the month of February and for the Sami people the first day of the annual market is also the first day of the year. In Jokkmokk there are 3000 inhabitants, during the Winter Market this little town get 30,000 to 40,000 visitors. During the 400 anniversary in 2005 we got 80,000 visitors! The come from all over the world. Jokkmokk in the Sami language means “Brook-Bend” and of Sweden’s 20 000 Sami inhabitants, about 750 live in the county of Jokkmokk. Jokkmokk municipality is the second largest county area in Sweden but with the smallest population; some 5,500 inhabitants to 19,474 square kilometers.
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Now available while the limited stocks last. Honeydew Honey Swedish: honungsdagg eller bladhonung, bladlushonung, lushonung Honeydew honey is relatively unknown however it is one of the most unique, most intriguing and exotic honeys in the world. Honeydew honey (also known as forest honey) comes from aphids which eat the sap on the bark for protein building blocks, amino acids and then secrete sugar-like substance on the trees which sparkles in the sunlight, hence the name "honeydew". The bees love the honeydew and feed on it to culminate into an absolutely spectacular and 100% organic end product, making it uniquely different from regular honey made from the flower blossom nectar most of us know. Honeydew honey is highly prized by those that know it, but still relatively unknown. However it is believed that with the increasing number of clinical studies in the recent years, this honey could one day be the next hot health food with a prominent standing just like Manuka honey. Given the prevalence of aphids world-wide, it may not be surprising to learn that much blossom honey from around the world contains some percentage of honeydew honey. Honeydew is chemically different from regular blossom honey. It is usually darker with a higher mineral content, and has with a stronger taste and particular nutritional / therapeutic benefits. Honeydew honey comes in many varieties depending upon the type of plant and the species of aphid. Our Honeydew comes from Spruce trees. Gran honungsdagg eller Gran bladhonung, Gran lushonung Characteristics: Color: Dark amber, sometimes with reddish veins. Aroma: Smoke, caramel, cooked, malted, panna cotta, resinous, a little balsamic Taste: Medium intensity, slightly sweet and persistent. What is the difference between blossom honey and honeydew honey? While the composition of honeydew honey varies by the type of insect and plant, just as the composition of blossom honey varies by the type of blossom, there are some common differences. In general, honeydew honey is higher in minerals and amino acids as well as higher molecular weight sugars (oligosaccharides) in particular, melezitose and raffinose. Oligosaccharides are prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on bacteria in the digestive system. It tends to be darker, less sweet, less acidic and resists crystallization when compared to honey. Honeydew honey has higher electrical conductivity and ash content and tends to remain liquid and resist crystallization because of high fructose and low glucose levels, as well as a low glucose to water ratio. There has been some research that indicates that honeydew honey also has higher than average antibiotic properties due to higher levels of Glucose Oxidase which leads to the production of Hydrogen Peroxide. Translations: French: Le miel de forêt or Les miellats; German: Waldhonig or Honigtau Honig; Italian: Miele di bosco or Miele di melata; Spain: Miel de mielada or Miel Forestal Swedish: honungsdagg eller bladhonung, bladlushonung, lushonung. #taghonungsdagg eller #tagbladhonung, #tagbladlushonung, #taglushonung #tagHoneydew
Photos from Swedish Forest Honey's post
Jokkmokks Marknad / Jåhkåmåhke Márnána 2 - 4 February 2017 See you there? Come and taste our amazing and unique honey!! We are inside in the "matsalen och saluhall".
Photos from Swedish Forest Honey's post
Our honey in Holland!! Thanks to Reyas International for there order and interest in our honeys!! John Ria Alexander posted the address where you can buy these with this post, enjoy!
Photos from Swedish Forest Honey's post
Our honey in Kungsbacka ICA!! Thanks you Lee Holland from Idun af Varla for all your hard work!!
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Our Honey with Lime 😍 made with our finest organic summer honey from Värmland, Sweden, and Lime oil. We only use natural ingredients in our honeys. #organichoney #organic #flavouredhoney #swedishwildhoney #rawfood foodie #healthyfood #unique
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Our Honey and Lingon on pancakes is awesome 😍😍😍 #honey #organichoney #flavouredhoney #pancakearts #swedishwildhoney #nordicberries
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Our lovely Honey and Orange! Tasting is believing! #honey #organichoney #organic #flavouredhoney #rawfood #foodie #swedishwildhoney
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Our lovely Heather Honey from the deep forest of #Värmland #sweden #honey #organichoney #rawfood #foodie #heatherhoney #bee #swedishwildhoney
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