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54568, Philipp-Reis-Straße 2, 54568 Gerolstein, Tyskland German army SIGNIT PROCESSING ANALYSIS SITE,6.6140682,878m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3d89ae4f5b78ba59!8m2!3d50.2085404!4d6.6214192 Se också 282,292,293, 381,382
- ADLER - Cover name for the Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie (1913-1991) when acting as an informant for the BND in 1966-1967. - ADLERHORST - Covername for a BND site in Düsseldorf * - ADVOOKAT - Important SIGINT system, which operated from the listening post in Simonstown in South Africa (operational since 1975) * - AIDA - Proposed program to create more focussed database searches through improved algorithms; part of the SIT program * - ALLIANCE - Proposed 9 million euro project to establish a joint center with another European intelligence agency * - ALPENBLICK - Covername for a BND site in Hannover * - ALPINA - Communications station near Tutzing for transmitting messages to clandestine agents and foreign residences (1980s) * - AVUS - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * B - BEGONIE - Covername for Denmark * - BERGFRIED - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - BIBER - Covername for the Brazilian foreign intelligence service * - BLAU - German army SIGINT batallion intercept site and parallel HFDF station at Donauwörth * - BURG-ZINNE - Covername for a HBW unit in Nuremburg * C - CHARITE-RAUTE - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - CHIEMSEE - Covername for a BND site in Bonn * - CONCORDIA - Military eavesdropping operations conducted by the Bundeswehr (in 1972 combined with KOLCHOSE) * D - DACAPO - Listening post outside the town of Krailling (closed in 1994) * - DELIKATESSE - BND operation related to the listening post near Cadiz in Spain (1975-1992) * - DREHPUNKT - Covername for the HFDF system at the US Army field station in Augsburg * E - EIBSEE - Covername for a BND site in Stuttgart * - EICHKATZE - Codename for Pakistan's intelligence service * - EIKONAL - Joint NSA-BND operation for tapping a fiber optic cable of Deutsche Telekom in Frankfurt (2004-2008); part of NSA's RAMPART-A program; internal BND codename: GRANAT * - EISBERG - Reports from a joint BND-DGSE listening station at the Berlin Tegel airport (1976) * - EISMEER - BND listening post near Cadiz in Spain (1975-1992) * F - FABRIK - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - FALKENHOF - Covername for a BND site in Mainz * - FASANERIE - Covername for a BND site in Hamburg * - FICHTENWALD - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - FLATTERMAN - Eavesdropping operation against the Bonn-based East German chief of protocol Günther Marsch (1975) * - FLIEDER - Codename for the Spanish intelligence service * - FOHLENHOF - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - FRETTCHEN - Codename for the Taiwanese intelligence service * G - GEWÖLBE - Covername for a HBW unit in Friedland * - GIPFELKREUZ - SIGINT intercept tower along the former border with East-Germany * - GLOBE - Erroneously used version of the codeword GLOBE * - GLOTAIC - Joint BND-CIA operation to acquire foreign telephone communications from the German subsidiary of MCI (2005) * - GOLDELSE - Cover name used by the BfV for the server on which its version of the XKEYSCORE system runs * - GOLDMINE - ? * - GRANAT - Internal BND codename for operation EIKONAL * - GRAU - (former) ANBw SIGINT collection effort * - GRÜN - German army SIGINT batallion intercept site and parallel HFDF station at Frankenberg * H - HAMAH - Database that could have been used by the HBW cover unit of BND * - HANA - In-memory database system made by SAP wich BND apparently wants to use for analysing metadata * - HARPUNE - Receiver for compressed coded messages, hidden in a radio (1970s-1980s) * - HECKENROSE-KURFÜRST - Covername for a BND site in Kassel * - HELIOS - French reconaissance satellites, the results of which may also be used by Belgium, Spain, Italy and Germany (since 1995) - HERMELIN - Covername for a BND site in Hamburg * - HERMOS - Joint NSA-BND operation to tap communication cables in a crisis zone country; part of NSA's RAMPART-A program (2012) - HOCKEY - Covername for GCHQ * - HORTENSIE I - Covername for the CIA * - HORTENSIE II - Covername for the DIA * - HORTENSIE III - Covername for the NSA * - HORUS - Proposed reconaissance satellite, replaced by the SAR-Lupe satellite system - HUMMER - Codename for intelligence reports from specific SIGINT collection operations or systems * I - ICON - ? - IGEL - OPSEC project of BMI and BfV? * - INSTITUT - Covername for a BND site in Bonn * J - JUPITER - Microchip used to distribute the LIBELLE encryption algorithm K - KARAT - See GRANAT - KIEL - Covername for a BND site in Hamburg * - KLAUSE - Covername for a BND site in Grünwald * - KLEEFELD - Covername for a BND collection and analysis site in Pöcking * * - KLEMATIS - Covername for the US Navy * - KOLCHOSE - Military eavesdropping operations conducted by the Bundeswehr (in 1972 combined with CONCORDIA) * - KOMET - Temporary (criminal) investigation commission * - KOMTESSE - BND codename for the proposed Wullenweber antenna system of the Bundeswehr near Flensburg * L - LAFETTE - Covername for a BND site in Mainz * - LANDGRAF - Covername for a BND site in Bonn * - LANZE - BND listening post in a SIGINT station in the Pamir Mountains in China(since 1983) * - LAUS - Program for intercepting East German political communications over point-to-point radio systems (1970s) * - LEINE - Covername for a BND site in Hannover * - LERCHE - (former) SIGINT collection system * - LIBELLE - High-level classified encryption algorithm, distributed via the JUPITER chip M - MARSTALL - Covername for a BND site in Geilenkirchen * - MATRIX - Some kind of BND system * - MIKADO II - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - MIRA4 - System for analysing phone and fax content (in 2010 replaced by INBE) * * - MONKEYSHOULDER - Proposed joint GCHQ-BND operation to tap a Deutsche Telekom cable in Frankfurt, Germany (cancelled in August 2013)* - MÜHLBERG - Covername for a BND depot in Schleissheim * - MÜHLE - Major radio transmission installation in Dachau/Kreuzholzhausen * N - NACHERNTE - Military operation intercepting radio traffic in Czechoslovakia (1970s) * - NARZISSE - Codename for French intelligence services - NIKOLAUS - Covername for the former BND headquarters in Pullach * - NITIDEZZA - Proposed 4,5 million euro BND program for buying zero-day exploits for access to encrypted signals between 2015-2020; part of the SIT program * O - OLYMP - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - ORION - Joint NSA-BND operation against targets "outside NATO's eastern border" (2005) * - ORION - Cover name for the BND site at Mangfall Barracks in Bad Aibling (previously: SEELAND-TORFSTICH) * * - ORLOG - BND operation for intercepting air-to-air and air-to-ground radio traffic of Soviet aircraft (early 1970s) * P - PACKHAUS - Site for space SIGINT collection in Rheinhausen (1970s) * - PALAIS - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - PALMENHAUS - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - PANTHER - Covername for the South African foreign intelligence service (1980s) * - PERSEUS - Covername used by the BfV for its system to intercept individual phone and internet connections (since 2004) * - PHOENIX - Covername for a BND site in Düsseldorf * - PLANET - BND site in the Munich suburb of Stockdorf * - PLUTO - Cryptoprocessor for encryption, authentication and key management - POSEIDON - Cover name used by the BfV for its analysis version of XKEYSCORE * R - REFEKTORIUM - Covername for a BND site in Hamburg * - REFUGIUM - Covername for a BND site in Tutzing * - REINGEWINN - Codename for intelligence reports from specific SIGINT collection operations or systems * - REITSTALL - Covername for a BND site in Guselried * - ROMAN - Military program for intercepting East German military communications (1970s) * - RÖMERSCHANZE - Covername for a BND site in Cologne * - ROT - German army SIGINT batallion intercept site and parallel HFDF station at Rotenburg/Wümme * - RUBIN - Not a BND codeword, but the name of a cable management system used by Deutsche Telekom S - SANATORIUM - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - SANDWÜSTE - Reports from a joint BND-DGSE listening station at the Berlin Tegel airport (1976) * - SARah - Proposed reconaissance satellites, meant as replacement for the SAR-Lupe satellites after 2017 - SAR-Lupe - German reconaissance satellites for military purposes (operational since 2008) - SCHNELLBAHN - System for rapid transmissions of compresses coded messages to agents in Eastern Europe (1970s) * - SCHWARZ - German army SIGINT processing analysis site near the village of Daun * - SCRABBLE - BND database to store selectors for packet-switched communications provided by NSA * - SEELACHS - Codename for intelligence reports from specific SIGINT collection operations or systems * - SEELAND-TORFSTICH - Cover name for the BND site at Mangfall Barracks in Bad Aibling (since 1988, later renamed into ORION) * * - SEQUOIA - Covername for the Russian foreign intelligence service SVR * - SMARAGD - Cable access operation somewhere outside Europe in cooperation with another foreign intelligence agency * - SPINNE - Military program for intercepting East German military communications * - STELLWERK - Initial codename of the BND SIGINT operations center in the Munich suburb of Stockdorf * - STERN - Temporary (criminal) investigation commission * - STIMMGABEL - Codename for intelligence reports from specific SIGINT collection operations or systems * - SUSANNE - (former) SIGINT collection system * - SYMPHONIE - Covername for a BND site in Munich * T - TAMBURIN - Codename for intelligence reports from specific SIGINT collection operations or systems * - TANNENHOF - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - TATTERSALL - Covername for a BND site in Berlin * - TIAMAT - Joint NSA-BND operation to tap communication cables for access to high-level international targets; part of NSA's RAMPART-A program (ended before 2013) - TOPAS - East German listening post in Czechoslovakia that intercepted messages from ALPINA * - TORPEDO - Covername for a BND site in Munich * - TRANSIT - Apparently the name used within Deutsche Telekom for collecting foreign traffic under operation Eikonal * V - VENNLIG - Database that could have been used by the HBW cover unit of BND * W - WARENLAGER - Covername for a BND site in Mainz * - WEBEREI - School of BND in Haar near Munich * - WEIDE - German army Direction-Finding site V in Übersee/Chiemsee (1988-1992) * - WHARPDRIVE - Joint NSA-BND operation to tap communication cables operated by a private company; part of NSA's RAMPART-A program (2013) * * - WINZER - German army Direction-Finding site III in Mainz-Schwabenheim (est. 1988) * Z - ZABBO - Satellite collection from Afghanistan which takes place in Bad Aibling * - ZITRONE - German army Direction-Finding site II in Diepholz (est. 1988) * - ZUGVOGEL - Division of labor agreement between BND and the Bundeswehr (1969) * Abbreviations and Acronyms 360-Grad-Blick - Counter-intelligence effort in all directions, including against partner countries A AFmBw - Amt für Fernmeldewesen der Bundeswehr AKÜ - AuslandskopfÜberwachung AL - AbteilungsLeiter (division manager) AMK - Amt für MilitärKunde (cover agency for military BND employees) ANBw - Amt für Nachrichtenwesen der Bundeswehr (military SIGINT center, est. 1978) AND - Ausländischer NachrichtenDienst ("foreign intelligence agency") ANISKI - Aufklärung NIcht-Standardisierter Kommunikation im Internet * APB - Aufgabenprofil der Bundesregierung AutoKO - Automatisiertes Kommunikationssystem (German army communications system, introduced in 1977, phased out since 2010) B BA - Bad Aibling (satellite intercept station) BAMF - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (immigration office) BDSG - BundesDatenSchutzGesetz BfDI - Bundesbeauftragten für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit BfSt - Bundesstelle für Fernmeldestatistik BfV - Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (domestic security service) BIT - Bundesstelle für Informationstechnik BIZ Netz - ? (internal BND information request/ticket system) BMI - BundesMinisterium des Innern (Department of the Interior) BMVg - BundesMinisterium der Verteidigung (federal defense department) BND - BundesNachrichtenDienst (foreign intelligence service) BNDG - BND Gesetz (BND Law) BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (federal information assurance agency) BVN - BundesVerwaltungsNetz (government computer network) Bw - Bundeswehr (German armed forces) C CGG - Combined Group Germany (NSA/GCHQ liaison office in Munich, for joint exploitation of satellite communications)* D DAFIS - DAtenFIlterSystem? (filters out communications of German citizens, used since ca. 2005) * Succeeded the SELMA system * DAND - ? DS - DienstStelle (unit within BND) DSV2 - DigitalSignalVerbindung, 2 Mbit/s DTAG - Deutsche Telekom AG DV - Dienstvorschrift (internal regulation) E EA - Einsatzgebiete/Auslandsbeziehungen (BND division: Areas of Operation & Foreign Liaison) EASD - EchtzeitAnalyse von StreamingDaten (proposed program for the automated analysis of open source information from social media platforms, 2014) * ELOKA - ELektronische KAmpfführung (German army electronic warfare battalions, est. 1994) * F FAKT - FernmeldeAufklärung, Kabelgestützte Telekommunikation (signals intelligence from cable communications) G G-10 - Grundgesetz, Artikel 10 (section 10 of the German constitution) GASIM - Gemeinsames Analyse- und Strategiezentrum Illegale Migration GBA - General Bundesanwalt (federal prosecutor) GBRTF - ? (UK signals intelligence/GCHQ) Geh. - Geheim/Stufe I (classification level Secret) GL - Abteilung GesamtLage (BND division: Situation Centre) GTAZ - Gemeinsames TerrorismusAbwehrZentrum (joint counter-terrorism center H H - Horchposten (listening station) HBW - Hauptstelle für BefragungsWesen (unit for interrogating refugees) HFDF - High-Frequency Direction-Finding HiROS - High Resolution Optical System (proposed spy satellite system) HSG – Hauptsachgebiet I INBE - INhaltliche BEarbeitung (tool for analysing content; succeeded MIRA4 in 2010)* ISG - Islamistische Gefährder (Islamic suspects, part of a selector) ISNoVPN - ? (operational network) ISPO - ? (BND database) IT - InformationsTechnik (BND division) ITO - IT Operation (BND hacking operation?) IVBB - InformationsVerbund Bonn-Berlin (government computer network) IVBV - InformationsVerbund der BundesVerwaltung (government computer network) J JAC - Joint Analysis Center (NSA-BND unit in Bad Aibling, 1998-2011)* JSA - Joint SIGINT Activity (joint NSA-BND unit in Bad Aibling, 2004-2012) K KRITIS - Kritische Infrastrukturen KSA - Kommando Strategische Aufklärung KW - Kurze Welle (High Frequency) L L - Leiter (head of an organization or a unit thereof) LA - Regionale Auswertung und Beschaffung A (BND division for the rest of the world) LAP - Landwirtschaftspolitik (Agriculture politics, part of a selector) LB - Regionale Auswertung und Beschaffung B (BND division for Africa, Middle East and Afghanistan)* LfV - Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz (state security service) LoNo - LotusNotes (used by BND for internal communications) LSZ – Leitungsschlüsselzahl LVP - LiegenschaftsVerwaltung Pullach (real estate management Pullach) LW - Lange Welle (Low Frequency) M MAD - Militärischer AbschirmDienst (military security service) MIRA 4- Modulare Integrierte Ressourcen Architektur, Stufe 4 N NADIS - Nachrichtendienstliches Informationssystem ND - NachrichtenDienst (intelligence service) NDV - Nachrichtendienstliche Verbindung NG-Netz - ? (back-end network at Bad Aibling) NKÜ - NetzKnoten der Übertragungstechnik NSAUA - NSA UntersuchungsAusschuss (temporary parliamentary investigation commission on NSA spying activities) O ÖS - Öffentliche Sicherheit (public safety division of the Interior Ministry) P P6 - Project 6 (joint BND, BfV and CIA anti-terrorism unit, stationed in Neuss, Germany; 2005-2010)* PANOS - Projekte ANISKI und URAn/OS * PBDB - PersonenBezogene DatenBestände * (BND tasking database) * PG NAM - Projektgruppe Neue Analyse-Methoden PKGr - Parlamentarisches KontrollGremium (permanent parliamentary oversight committee) PLS - Präsident/LeitungsStab (staff of the BND director) PUA - Parlamentarischer UntersuchungsAusschuss (parliamentary investigative committee) PX - ? (database supporting the joint BND, BfV and CIA anti-terrorism unit Project 6)* R ReSA - Regionalstelle für staatliche SonderAuflagen (lawful intercept units within Deutsche Telekom) RL - Referatsleiter (BND sub-division leader) RZ - RechenZentrum (data center) S SAP - ? (BND database?) * SAW - SonderAusWertung (internal investigation commission) SB - Sonderbericht (special report) SELMA - (?) Predecessor of the DAFIS filtering system * SGL - Sachgebietsleiter (head of a BND unit) SI - Eigensicherung (BND division for Internal Security) SINA - Sichere Inter-Netzwerk Architektur (security enhanced Linux and hardware architecture) SIT - Strategische Initiative Technik (300 million euro technical modernization program) SSCD - SIGINT Support to Cyber Defense (multilateral cyber defense initiative) * Str. Geh. - Streng Geheim/Stufe II (classification level Top Secret) Str. Geh. SW - Streng Geheim Schutzwort (classification level Top Secret/SCI) StraFmA - Strategische Fernmeldeaufklärung (strategic signals intelligence) SÜG - Sicherheitsüberprüfungsgesetz SUSLAG - Special US Liaison Advisor, Germany (NSA representative at BND) SW - Schutzwort (codeword) SWOP - SWitch-OPerationen (proposed program to get access to foreign internet providers, 2014) * T T1E - BND unit for collection from cable accesses in Germany T2A - Abteilung Beschaffungslage und Selektion (unit for acquisition and selection) T2C - BND analysis and production unit for Terrorism and Proliferation T2D - BND analysis and production unit for Political and Economic issues TA - Technische Aufklärung (BND division: Signals Intelligence) TAG - Technische Aufklärung - Rechtsangelegenheiten und G10 (legal unit) TAZ - Technische Aufklärung - Referat Z TDM - (Technical Directors Meeting?) TE - Internationaler Terrorismus und Internationale Organisierte Kriminalität (BND division for Terrorism and International Organised Crime) TEF - Terrorfinanzierung (financing terror, part of a selector) TK - TeleKommunikation TKM - TeleKommunikationsMerkmal (set of related selectors) TKÜ - TeleKommunikationsÜberwachung (lawful interception) TKÜV - TeleKommunikations-ÜberwachungsVerordnung (2002) TND - Target Number Database TW - Proliferation, ABC-Waffen, Wehrtechnik (BND division for Proliferation and NBC Weapons) U Ü1-3 - Sicherheitsüberprüfung (security clearance level; for certain information an even higher clearance seems needed) UA - Unterabteilung (sub-division) UAL - UnterAbteilungsLeiter (sub-division manager) UF - Unterstützende Fachdienste (BND division: Supporting Services) UM - Gesamtumzug (BND division for the relocation to Berlin) UP - Umsetzungsplan URAn/OS - Unified Realtime Analysis of OSINT * USAMD - ? (US military intelligence/DIA) USANI - ? (US civilian intelligence/CIA) USATF - ? (US signals intelligence/NSA) V VERAS - Verkehrs-Analyse-System (tool for analysing both phone and internet? metadata derived from cable-bound traffic, since 2002) * * VERBA - VERkehrs-Beziehungs-Analyse VG-10 - Interception project * VIPER - Verbesserung der IP-ERfassung (proposed 38 million euro program for analyzing internet content, 2014) * V-Leute - Vertrauens- oder VerbindungsLeute (informants) VS - VerschlussSache (classified information) VSA - VerschlussSachenAnweisung VS-NfD - VerschlussSache-Nur für den Dienstgebrauch (classification level Restricted) VS-Vertr. - VerschlussSache-Vertraulich (classification level Confidential) W WPR - Waffenproduktion (Weapens production, part of a selector) Z ZEUS - Zentrales Entwicklungs- und Unterstützungsprojekt SSCD (proposed 17,5 million euro project to participate in the SSCD program by 2017) * ZEVKO - Zentrales verteilung- und Kommunikationssystem im Dienstnetz (system used by BND's T1 collection division) * ZfCh - Zentrale für das Chiffrierwesen (Cryptographic Center of BND in Bonn-Bad Godesberg, succeeded by ZSI) ZIP - Zentrales Informationssystem für die [...] (BND database)* ZITIS - Zentrale stelle für InformationsTechnik Im Sicherheitsbereich * ZIVIT - Zentrum für Informationsverarbeitung und Informationstechnik ZSI - Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (succeeded by BSI in 1991) ZY - Zentralabteilung (BND division for Central Services) ZYF - 6. Referat in der Abteilung ZY (BND legal branch)!ut/p/z1/hU5PC4IwHP0sHbzutxTTuikFFUaiUbpLTF26Wk7m0j5-RrdIerf3lwcEEiA17XhJNZc1FQNPyezsu8EhMOemuQxXJt5Y66Md-Xu88x04_QuQwcYj8DDEBYN02HBGN6IpxECAXGlHn6iRSgumEc3fDyGtaF0IFsrc-whbIKWQ2ee6V2eWWwJR7MIUU-ihBrnSumkXBjZwwVDPb7xhBadIqtLAv0qVbDUk31lo7kmPLVt0gTd5Aarsjkk!/dz/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/#Z7_B8LTL2922DPE20I3HV5RBO0MR1

Much as I want this exam to be over, I sure am gonna miss these landscapes 🇸🇪 #run #sweden


En magisk #soluppgång.

Skönt med mild vinter när man arbetar i Blå Hallen.

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Snötyngda träd..❄

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3 x rosa * Three shades of pink #lax #lönn #oktober #nofilter

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