Instagram: redicons
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facebook.comLast weekend Ralph started his show career here in Sweden, and he did it with style by winning BOB at Nordic Terrier Show 2017 😎👌 On top of that his sister Vera was BOS. 🏆 We couldn't have asked for a better start than this. And I have a feeling it has just started 🙌✨💪 〰 UNKAS RING ON FIRE 〰 〰 EYWA RING ON FIRE 〰 Thanks to all friends for a great weekend 😘
Idag har vi fått en ny stark stjärna som pryder himlavalvet åt oss 💫💔 Bill har idag fått somna in efter att hastigt ha insjuknat för en kort tid sedan. 😪 Vi minns Bill som en hund med ett hjärta av guld och en kämparglöd av dess like! Våra tankar går idag tills hans fantastiska ägare Lotta som alltid vart en otrolig ambassadör för amstaffen. Hon och Bill visade verkligen att allt är möjligt med en amstaff. 🙏 2011.08.02 ➖ 2017.07.24 💫 RED ICON'S ACKLAM GRANGE 💫
We have been to a few dogshows this summer and with pretty good results! 🙌😋 3 x NEW SWEDISH CHAMPION 🌟🌟🌟 •SEUCH SEJV-16 Carmichael's Justice For All• •SEUCH CZCH Rebel & Proud TZH Mazzel• •SEUCH FIUCH HJW-14 Lord of Staffs Made In Sweden• Thanks to Maths & Igors owners for trusting your dogs with us!💕 4 x BEST OF BREED 2 x BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 3 x CACIB 5 x CAC 1 x R-CAC __________________________________ Thanks to FourFriends dog nutrition for keeping our dogs in the best condition all the time! 💪 We look forward to all our upcoming dogshows this year! Hope to see you there! 🙂 //Sophia & Johan
Timeline Photos
🌺🌼🌸 Glad midsommar 🌸🌼🌺 ..önskar vi er alla! Hoppas ni fått en härlig ledig dag med nära & kära. 🤗 //Sophia, Johan & alla hundarna! 🐶
SE V-16 SE JV-16 Red Icon's From Here To Eternity
Vännäs Int. Dogshow 2017.06.17 Judge: Kurt Nilsson, SE • SE W-16 SE JW-16 Red Icon's From Here To Eternity • 💎 CAC 💎 CACIB 💎 BOB 💎 'Biffen' is co-owned by us and his handler Elin Nilsson. 💕 Thanks to FourFriends dog nutrition for keeping all our dogs in perfect condition! 💪 Congratulations to Lennart for winning BOS! ☺️👌
Timeline Photos
A dirty dog is a happy dog!😆🐶 - Red Icon's Fortune Cookie 'Leia' - 💕 Thanks to owner Linnea for this great picture 😂😂😘
F-Litter Born 2015.09.13
Yesterday Red Icon's Fight Fire With Fire 'Felix' successfully passed the Swedish Behavior & Personality Test (BPH). Congratulations to Felix owner Lisa! Good job you guys!!! 💪💕
Timeline Photos
Today Molly (Red Icon's Echo of Capa Tosta) and her owner Johanna competed in blood-trail tracking for the first time. They did great and got a approved result in first class! BIG congratulations!! 😘🐶 Molly is co-owned between Johanna and Maria at Kennel Capa Tosta.
Timeline Photos
Västerås Nat.Dogshow 2017.04.22 Judge: Luis Pinto Teixeira, PT - Entries: 21 SE UCH Ibero Red Icon's 'Harley' --> BOB 🏆 Thanx to Harley's co-owner Beatrice & Johan for great handling and for taking such good care of him! 💕 We are proudly sponsored by Four Friends dog nutrition! 💪
Photos from Red Icon's Kennel's post
Today we have done BPH (Swedish Mental Test) with 7 amstaffs. 2 dogs bred by Kennel Red Icon's, 2 dogs that lives with us and 3 dogs owned by friends. All 7 dogs successfully passed the test! 🏆 ✔️Red Icon's From Here To Eternity ✔️Red Icon's Flyin' High ✔️Carmichael's Justice For All ✔️Eywa Ring on Fire ✔️Lord of Staffs Made in Sweden ✔️Rebel and Proud TZH Mazzel ✔️Ibero Rocky Marciano Thanks to 'Biffens' owner Elin and to 'Harrys' owners Sebastian & Jade for participating with your dogs bred by RI's. Thanks y'all for a great day!! 😘😘
G-Litter 2017-02-28
M: BISS. Carmichael's Dutch Diamond of GA F: Tatonka Enough is Enough
Timeline Photos
Spring has arrived here on the west coast and the dogs are trilled!! Here are some pictures from our dog walk a few days ago. • Ibero Hells Bells 'Alva' •Missnar's You Want Me More 'Teo'
Ralph was sooooo happy to see us when we got back home today. He was also soooo hungry and just needed my salad so bad! 😂😘 #amstaff #americanstaffordshireterrier #amstafflife #unkasringonfire #ralph #kennelredicons #redicons #happyboy #cutest #wantmyfood #fourfriendsbreeder

Ralph enjoying the nice wether today. #ralph #ringonfire #redicons #ast #amstaff #futuretopwinningamstaffofsweden

Idag gör vi inte många knop vill jag lova. Sol och vindstilla ☀️☀️ Mycket Ralph bilder nu, men är fortfarande otroligt imponerad över hur fantastisk han är! 👌💕 #sommarlov #sommar #slappardag #amstaff #amstafflife #americanstaffordshireterrier #vera #ralph #kennelredicons #redicons #fourfriendsbreeder

• Unkas Ring on Fire • F: CH Karballido Staffs Sicario M: Beauty Lady King of Rings #unkasringonfire #ralph #amstaff #amstafflife #americanstaffordshireterrier #pictureofapicture #portrait #beautifulboy #redicons #kennelredicons #fourfriendsbreeder

Hipp hipp Hurraaaay!! 🎊💕 Today is Jessie's 2nd birthday 🎈 What would life be without goofy Jessie?? The most lovingly and happiest gal ever born? 💕💕 #carmichaelsjusticeforall #jessie #2ndbirthday #happiesgirlintheworld #mylove #redicons #kennelredicons #fourfriendsbreeder

This boy 👌......I'm just saying! 💕 | Unkas Ring on Fire 'Ralph' | #unkasringonfire #ralph #amstaff #amstafflife #americanstaffordshireterrier #sweetboy #redicons #kennelredicons #fourfriendsbreeder

Brother and sister love 🤗💕 Unkas Ring on Fire & Eywa Ring on Fire | #amstaff #amstafflife #americanstaffordshireterrier #unkasringonfire #eywaringonfire #kennelredicons #redicons

"That food is for us right?" 🤤 Jessie & Vera want our midsummer food sooo bad! 😆☀️🎂🌼 #midsummer #midsommar #beggingdogs #tocute #amstaff #ast #americanstaffordshireterrier #carmichaelsjusticeforall #jessie #eywaringonfire #vera #redicons #kennelredicons #fourfriendsbreeder

You know, when you try to look smart but you have bearnaise all over your face and you really really REALLY want that chips! #amstaff #americanstaffordshireterrier #ast #purebred #beggingdog #lovefood #cutestdog #ilovemydogs #eywaringonfire #vera #redicons #kennelredicons #fourfriendsbreeder

One more picture of our princess 💖 | Ibero Hells Bells | #kennelredicons #redicons #ibero #iberohellsbells #alva #spain #sweden #amstaff #americanstaffordshireterrier #fourfriendsbreeder

Ibero Hells Bells 'Alva' 💕 #kennelredicons #redicons #ibero #iberohellsbells #alva #mylove #amstaff #americanstaffordshireterrier #ast #sweden #spain #fourfriendsbreeder

Sommaren har flyttat in 🌸☀️💐 #sommar #sommarblommor #pelargon #lupin #syren #hundkex

Nöjda & trötta hundar i hundgården. 🐶😎☀️#kennelredicons #redicons #teo #vera #alva #hundgård #kennels #amstaff #americanstaffordshireterrier #fourfriendsbreeder

Just love the harmony in our pack. Our amstaffs and chicken lives together and now also eat together outside. 🙌😋 This is life!!! 💕 #kennelredicons #redicons #missnarsyouwantmemore #teo #eywaringonfire #vera #iberohellsbells #alva #amstaffs #chicken #ourlife #harmony #americanstaffordshireterrier #fourfriendsbreeder

En av våra vackra rhododendron står i full blom nu! Sååå vacker! 🙌🌸☀️ #rhododendron #gardenlife #bästaårstiden
