Skolan för allt du inte fick lära dig i skolan. Everyday är skolan för det du inte fick lära dig i skolan där människor träffas för att lära sig saker man behöver i livet och vardagen.
Våra klasser bygger på interaktiva samtal där varje deltagare är med och bidrar. På så vis får du tillgång till den samlade erfarenheten hos ett stort antal människor med olika perspektiv och bakgrund. Kunskap som hjälper dig att tänka och agera på frågor som är viktiga för dig, vare sig det gäller dina familjerelationer, din hälsa eller ditt jobb.
" The biggest effects on student learning occur when teachers become learners of their own teaching, and when students become their own teachers. " — Hattie (2009)
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS”I love writing. I love telling stories. So how free would I be if I didn’t? I know what happens when I let my fear stop me from doing what I love the most! That’s another reason for me to choose courage”. Read part two of our co-worker and production assistant Emma’s insights about what courage means to her. #everydaycourage #everydayschool #choice
If you were participating in Nature Quest right now you wouldn’t see this post. You see, the quest itself is about disconnecting in order to reconnect. With yourself. Not with Facebook, or LinkedIn, nor your email. Nope, not with Instagram, Snapchat or Tinder either…Can’t stand the thought? Then you should definitely get a dose of our wilderness and leadership guru Göran Gennvi this August👇
”Courage to me is a choice. Courage for me is to face my fears, to step outside of my comfort zone, to be vulnerable and to act in love. I don’t know what will happen when I face my fears, when I leave my comfort zone, and what will be revealed when I’m being vulnerable. This is my story and today I’m brave enough to share it with you!” Our courageous co-worker and production assistant Emma is sharing a two part story about her journey through exhaustion towards courage, read part one today in our blog! #everydaycourage #everydayschool #choice
Courage to be naked What is is to be naked? Not to be wearing any clothes, some might answer. To sit naked in a sauna could demand courage for some, but being natural to others. Physical nakedness could be utterly private and perhaps connected to shame and vulnerability. Without clothes we are more exposed to weather and surroundings and nakedness also contributes to intimacy. Being naked have multiple levels. You could feel mentally naked or vulnurable, especially in close relationships. In my profession as a sexologist and psychotherapist, it is my role to help my clients to dare to be naked and intimate with each other, on several levels. On a psychological level, nakedness is about to express one's dreams, fantasies and desires. Being emotionally naked is on the other hand about being transparent with one's feelings. To be physically naked could in a close relationship be harder when it comes to expressing and receiving intimacy when it comes to sex. Regardless the form of intimacy, it takes a lot of courage for many of us to expose ourselves. This courage deserves a humble treatment. Words well weighted by our own sexologist Malin Drevstam. If you're interested in learning more, check out her course "Making Love" at: #everydaycourage #everydayschool #naked
Do like Pontus Ströbaeck and speak with emotion! How, you might wonder? He's the best one to show you (and try you) in his one day course "Tala med känsla" in August. Being brave does not mean lack of fear, it is the opposite actually. Speaking in public is one of the most common fears for people all over the world. It is not a small thing and it is not cured with small talk. Dare to talk big, express yourself and learn how to own a crowd with your words. Book your ticket on:
Raawr! Shouting time in less than two hours...see you there!
According to the old founder of primal therapy, Dr Arthur Janov, keeping feelings inside is bad for our health and could possibly shorten our life span. Fear no more and remember to fill your lungs for tomorrow's mountain roar with Jasmine Heikura! Together we shout and breathe out everything that's been bottled up inside. Screaming for a longer life one could say :) We gather 18.00 at Gullmarsplan tomorrow, attend and find more information in the event: #everydaycourage #everydayschool #mountainroar
Join us this wednesday in a big mountain roar! We take courage and climb up the highest hill around to shout out a big ROAR of joy, angst, excitement, frustration, summer love, overheating or you name it! Bring a friend and bring your voice, let's make some noise!
Let's get LOUD! An ordinary Wednesday afternoon we take courage and climb up the highest hill around to shout out a big ROAR of joy, angst, excitement, frustration, summer love, overheating or you name it! It can take a great amount of courage to make your voice be heard and loud. The reason for the "vrål" is your own personal one, as long as you roar from your toes Ronja-style. We gather at GULLMARSPLAN 18.00 make our way to the hill and to the top together. We'll do a short sharing circle at the bottom and the top. Just bring a water bottle and your lungs. ------------------------------------------------------------- We take inspiration for this popup from the works of Dr Arthur Janov, the old founder of Primal Therapy, jazzing it up a bit and bringing it up to a mountain top. The point is to have fun and to do something unusual together, bonus if something hiding inside gets out. “Keeping feelings inside eventually will take its toll on one's health. Repression is a constant force that wears the system down, resulting in, possibly, a shorter life span.” ― Arthur Janov, The Biology of Love
"After finishing the one day course in Nature Quest, I found myself wondering about the insights I got; that the wild side within me have to be expressed more often, I need to act more on impulses rather than to repress them, to follow my creativity and listen to the nature calling me and my spirit. I need more time alone to rest, to reflect and surf emotions, but also more time spent with people! Now I’m longing for more time outside, to feel the wind against my cheek, go barefoot more often, and gaze at the glittering water. I left the course with an urge to stay longer, like the process have just begun. Maybe I’ll see you in the 7 days course in August, otherwise I strongly recommend the short version” Insights from Emma, our Production assistant and one of the participants from this past Nature Quest. We have two courses coming up in August, find out more on our website and have a good friday!
"When I think of courage, I think of Brené Brown - The courage to be vulnerable. People talk about confidence but in dating and relationships, I think we can smell the difference between ‘acting’ confident and ‘being’ confident. And sure, maybe you can fake it ’til you make it, but I think the ultimate confidence is when you have the courage to be vulnerable, when you accept and own the wonderful working progress that is you - warts and all (as they say)." reflections made by our teacher and relationship expert @lemarcthomas regarding this month's theme courage. What is courage to you in relationships?
"I’ve often felt like I’ve taken on a courage that isn’t mine. A courage that is fragile and that doesn’t come from within. A “fake it until you make it” — kind of courage." Read the whole story written by our content manager Ella in our blog, introducing this months theme courage. Share your story and take part in the conversation by commenting below or use the hashtag #everydaycourage in social media. What does courage mean to you?