SLF MESAICOS - Stockholm Fieldhockey
We are Solna Landhockeyförening Mens Sana In Corpore Sano, or simply MESAICOS! We are a complete new fieldhockeyclub in Stockholm, Sweden.
Tell your friends
facebook.comImportant information: change of activity fee structure! Look for detailed information on our website:
It is summer-stop and that means that many committees at MESAICOS are on holidays: the IT-committee as well. That means that the website will be up to date again beginning of August! All new training times and club news will be posted on soon.
Be part of the MESAICOS family with Summer-Hockey! A very nice way to be physical active and get to know new people while playing field-hockey. No experience is needed and everybody is welcome! More information can be found on our website:
Hello everybody! You might know us already and for those who don't: we organize field-hockey for people in and around Stockholm, WITHOUT you needing experience! Also this summer we will organize very cool field-hockey sessions in Bergshamra during July and August (10 minutes by metro from T-Centralen). The only thing you need is to bring your sportsclothes and sportsshoes. We have hockey-sticks and as mentioned, no experience is needed! So to summarize: - A great activity and opportunity to get to know people in and around Stockholm! - No Hockey- Experience needed! - Welcome at Bergshamra Idrottsplats, every Tuesday from 20:30-21:30 in the months July and August - Bring sports clothes and friends!
End of Youth-/ Senior-/ Trim- and Veteran-Hockey in June
The summer is approaching and that means the last hockey sessions as well. We would like to inform you that the last sessions of VT17 are mentioned on our website!
Two new committees at MESAICOS
MESAICOS welcomes Ariadne Hogenboom and Meet Zandawala at the MESAICOS crew! Youth- and Social Media Committee will be led by Ariadne and Meet respectively.
Maarten Steinz new Chairman MESAICOS
Change in the board positions after annual meeting May 15th 2017. More information can be read on our website:
All documents annual meeting 2017 now online
All documents for the annual meeting 2017 are now online and can be found on our website. We welcome all MESAICOS members, tomorrow in Solna!
MESAICOS Annual meeting May 15th
MESAICOS invites all members to the annual meeting 2017 more info is on our website:
Photos from SLF MESAICOS - Stockholm Fieldhockey's post
And Last, some atmosphere photos. We thank everybody from the organisation and the participating teams, supporters, photographers and Solna kommun!
Photos from SLF MESAICOS - Stockholm Fieldhockey's post
Photos from MESAICOS U12- Nacka U12
Photos from SLF MESAICOS - Stockholm Fieldhockey's post
Photos from Nacka U14- Roslagen U14