Swamp Rock Night
Swamp Rock Night , är en musikkväll i rock-stil. Kommer/kan anordnas i hela Sverige.
Arrangör MBN-Lightning. Swamp Rock Night är en Rockkväll för alla som gillar Rock, Blues, Southernrock. Hårdrock, Radiorock, Progressivrock.
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Önskar alla musikälskare runt om i landet en riktigt härlig Jul med massa musik. //Admin och Swamp Rock Night Crew
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The new One. Den går att beställa. Sänd meddelande här på facebook. Namn, adress plus storlek. Tröjan kostar 100:- plus frakt. // Admin
Hello! Swamp Rocker's. Här kommer vi med ett tråkigt besked. Idag har vi haft möte med Södertälje Kommun / Stadsscen och kommit fram till nedan beslut. Swamp Rock Night 2016 är inställt på grund av för dålig biljettförsäljning. We will be back...... Fortsätt, att Gilla, dela och ge varandra rockkramar. // Admin
Swamp Rock Night Crew vill tacka alla de 32 band som var med på röstningen. Härligt att det finns så mycket band och musiker som brinner för att spela och leverera bra musik. // Swamp Rock Night Crew
Swamp Rock Night
Säkra din biljett. Klicka på nedan länk. // Admin
Mera info om bandet NO RULES. // Admin
Idag på plats för teknikmöte. Scenen, lokalen, PA, ljus. Sänder med bilder på lokalen. Välkomna. // Swamp Rock Night Crew
Idag torsdag släpper vi mera info om med bandet NO RULES. // Admin NO RULES www.norulesmusic.se “This is a band that has developed its own sound and style. One thing the band has retained is its passion for the music and this album "Never give up" is a perfect mix... NO RULES new album • NEVER GIVE UP • https://open.spotify.com/album/2LOqPFzLkfjxKLaXx5vOpP Short presentation on youtube of the song 🤘🏼DREAM AND ROCK ON 🤘🏼 http://youtu.be/eob301chEDU Rock On Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRYz3QY2TU Push Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3H0Mqw9w-o Live at Hasslofestivalen 2014
Imorgon torsdag, mera info om band nr 2 som kommer att spela denna kväll 8/10. NO RULES! // Admin
Info om de olika menypaketen som du kan köpa. Du får en bokad matplats för denna kväll. Dessa bokar du på Luna biljettservice i Södertälje eller på Södertälje Turistbyrå. Paket 1. Mat+2st Alkoholfri dryck + Entrè biljett 530:- Per/Person Paket 2. Mat+2st Glas vin + Entrè biljett 610:- Per/Person Paket 3. Mat+2st 50cl Öl + Entrè biljett 610:- Per/Person // Admin
Även här har du Spotify länk till The Palths låtar. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fartist%2F24FnfITNHXoR124j1ItpaK&h=cAQH_dcFaAQHZzXzjs4tOTsws5M7m9pi93QORl8bKZWY3GQ // Admin
Släpper idag mera info om bandet The Palth. “- A smoking hot, fresh form of Hard Rock meets Garage Rock”, “- Thin Lizzy’s sense of style for soulful rock along with that best seventies pub-rock feeling” - Micheles Kindh, Blaskan.nu Detta band är först ut på scen den 8/10 kl.19:00. Ta gärna del av deras låtar på Spotify. Länk nedan. spotify:artist:24FnfITNHXoR124j1ItpaK // Admin “- A smoking hot, fresh form of Hard Rock meets Garage Rock”, “- Thin Lizzy’s sense of style for soulful rock along with that best seventies pub-rock feeling” - Micheles Kindh, Blaskan.nu the palth plays melodic rock with influences from bands like Kiss, Thin Lizzy and Iron Maiden as well as a bit of blues based, gasoline drippin' Rock n’ Roll spiced up with their own fresh ideas. A fist punch to your gut, a freight train through your brain, a high speed get-away leaving you waiting for the next attack… the palth was formed in 2009, but had gone through several changes before settling on the current line-up in 2012. The prior addition of singer Charlie Honk (ex Speed Parade), had brought the vocal power to a solid and weathered duo consisting of drummer Artie C (ex Jernrot, Moonshine) and guitarist as well as main songwriter Kimmo V. When Halli “Iceland Thunder” Ara (ex Core Of Nation) joined the ranks, the rhythm section was complete. A foundation to which guitarist Urban Al (ex Psychosomatic Cowboys, Theme), could bring the missing pieces in order to complete the lineup. Their debut EP was well received and generated good reviews. the palth is Vocals: Charlie Honk Charlie “Honk” Holmqvist manages to express power and feeling in a unique way. He never leaves an audience untouched. As a military veteran he began his career as a singer/frontman during his years abroad. At first in various cover bands. After returning from duty he took the role as frontman for the sleaze metal band Speed Parade before joining the palth. Rhythm/Lead Guitars: Kimmo V Kimmo is a self-taught songwriter sprung out of the punk/hc scene in sthlm of the mid 90ies. After releasing a couple of records, an intense period of touring began in sweden and europe during the late 90ies. Mainly focused on songwriting for own projects and others during the following 10 years, he then hook up with Artie C through a local band ad that led to focusing on the sound from the better playgrounds called the 70ies. The result was the palth. Lead/Rhythm Guitars: Urban Al Urban Al has played everything from progressive metal to musicals. After graduating from school followed an intensive period of touring and playing in different bands before deciding to take a break from music altogether for a couple of years. Since he’s been back he’s not slowed down a bit. He has toured around in Sweden as well as the US in different constellations, both as a freelance guitarist and in different bands. Bass: Halli “Iceland Thunder” Ara Mr Halli Ara from the barren plains of Iceland, has played in different bands for many years. He also used to lend his talents to Swedish doom metal band Core Of Nation with whom he toured intensively. Drums & Percussion: Artie C Art has been an active drummer in Sweden and abroad for over two decades. He has played in Jernrot and later in Moonshine. He has played various kinds of styles from jazz rock to heavy metal.