En av världens bäst bevarade gruvmiljöer. Tänk dig en gruva som sträcker sig från markytan ner till 318 meters djup.
Vi som jobbat med att göra detta möjligt skulle vilja sticka ut hakan och påstå att detta är en av världens absolut mest spektakulära grottdykarmiljöer och samtidigt även en av de mer krävande. Med en konstant vattentemperatur på cirka 2 grader Celsius från ytan och ner och fullständig avsaknad av strömmande vatten är miljön helt oförlåtande, men den som tar sig ner i gruvans undervattensmiljö belönas rikligt med fantastiska intryck.
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facebook.comThe eagle has landed! The search for the royal marker that started 2007 took a big leap forward this weekend. We have now managed to reach all the way to the area in the mine where the royal marker of king Karl XI is supposed to be located. According to the old mine documentation, the marker was left during the king’s visit year 1687. Maps show that the marker should be located next to the shaft named after another old king; Gustav III. This shaft stretches all the way from the ground level and passes the level where todays diving has taken place; 250 meters below ground level @ approx. 95 meters water depth. Attached you can find a complete report from the dive this weekend (sorry, Swedish only) and some video shot with a head mounted GoPro during the bottom phase. There is a lot of work remaining until we can hopefully locate the actual marker, but at least we have made it to the right area! Looks like we are going to have a very interesting spring and summer! 😃
Swedish national television visited us a couple of weeks ago during a cave diver training session (link in Swedish only)