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CELAM - Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health

Wallinsgatan 8, Mölndal, Sweden



The official Facebook home of the interdisciplinary research group CELAM - Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health at University of Gothenburg. Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health conducts, supports and disseminates research about mental disorders, aggressive behaviour and moral and legal responsibility in an inter-disciplinary framework. The centre is a collaboration between University of Gothenburg, The National Board of Forensic Medicine, Swedish Prison and Probation Service, and The Forensic Psychiatric Clinic, Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

The aims of the Centre are to:

1. stimulate inter-disciplinary research within the area
2. support national and international scientific exchange
3. offer education and tutoring for graduate and post-graduate students
4. interact with the governmental organisations responsible for the administration of mentally disturbed adolescent and adult criminal offenders
5. inform the public about up-to-date research within the area


Legal Insanity and the Brain: Science, Law and European Courts

CELAM-anknutna Susanna Radovic och Tova Bennets kapitel om psykisk sjukdom och straffrättsligt ansvar i Sverige finns i ny bok finns nu ute -

Välkomna till CELAM seminarium! Titel: Presentation av projektet NEUROFOR – NEURObiologiska studier av aggressivt antisocialt beteende hos FORensiskt psykiatriska (rättspsykiatriska) patientgrupper. Föreläsare: Peter Andiné. När: Tisdag 1e mars, 14.00-15.30. Var: Trubaduren, Rågården. Viktig information! Om du inte har inpasseringskort till Rågården anmäl dig till så skriver hon upp dig på besökslistan. Viktigt att ta med giltig legitimation! Anmälan görs till absolut senast måndagen den 29 februari. Seminarierna är öppna för forskare, studenter och verksamheternas personal. Om du åker kommunalt – buss Blå Express mot Gråbo eller Stenared, hållplats Rågården. Varmt välkomna!

Den falska bilden av våldet - Vetandets värld

Felipe Estrada och Ester Pollack om våldsutvecklingen i Sverige i Vetenskapsradion.

Välkomna till CELAM seminarium! Titel: Vanföreställningar och straffrättsligt ansvar - en undersökning av hur och när att handla utifrån en vanföreställning kan undanta en person från straffansvar. Föreläsare: Susanna Radovic och Tova Bennet När: Tisdagen 16/2, 14.00-16.00 Var: Trubaduren, Rågården, Hus 1 Viktig information! Om du inte har inpasseringskort till Rågården anmäl dig till Åse Holl på så kan hon skriva upp dig på besökslistan. Viktigt att ta med giltig legitimation! Anmälan görs till absolut senast måndagen den 15 februari. Seminarierna är öppna för forskare, studenter och verksamheternas personal. Om du åker kommunalt – buss Blå Express mot Gråbo eller Stenared, hållplats Rågården. Varmt välkomna! För Abstract – se nedan (Föredraget kommer att hållas på svenska): Committing a criminal offence under the influence of a psychotic delusion can in most countries exempt a person from criminal responsibility. From the principle of guilt, which is fundamental in most legal systems, it follows that the criminal system should only punish those who are guilty, which, among other things, entails as having the capacity for making rational and free choices. Such a person should have (i) an accurate apprehension of reality, and (ii) an intact capacity of judgement; that is, she should be able to use her understanding of the reality to make choices about how to act. One psychiatric condition that effectively hampers the individual’s ability, both to appreciate the circumstances around an unlawful act and to form judgements about how to act, is psychotic delusions. Delusions may misguide the person not only into believing things that are not true about the act itself, but also into believing that she should do (or is allowed to do) what she should not. In most jurisdictions it is however not sufficient to be psychotic and delusional at the time of the crime in order to be exculpated on the grounds of legal insanity; the content of the delusions should also be related to the criminal act, and the court’s decision hence becomes partly dependent on what it is the psychotic person is deluded about. Still, even though it is the content of the defendant’s delusions that comes to the forefront in the court’s assessment concerning legal insanity, the exculpatory effect of delusions on criminal responsibility is rarely explicitly stated in the legal insanity standards. This fact jeopardizes the fulfilment of the principle that equal cases should be treat equally, which is problematic from the viewpoint of legal certainty. In this paper we will put forward and analyse some suggestions of how to explicate the exculpating force of acting under the influence of delusional beliefs. . A satisfactory explication should fulfil three conditions, the first being the most important. (i) It should be accurate in picking out the legally insane, which in turn means that it should be in fair agreement with the moral intuitions and legal principles that underlie the insanity rules in the first place. Such a standard should thus not be in conflict with the principle of guilt, and it should only punish those who have the capacity for making rational and free choices. In addition to this, there are also other considerations that are important. (ii) It should be manageable from a practical (legal) point of view; for example, it should be possible for the members of the court to understand, and be applicable to individual cases. (iii) The consequences of the standard should be tenable, which basically entails that the rule should not be either too inclusive or exclusive. An underlying assumption of a criminal justice system seems to be that it should punish a reasonable number of people. The acceptable number of acquittals due to legal insanity may vary from country to country, depending on how large the group of legally insane “normally” is.

DSM-5 Skattning av psykotiska symtom | Pilgrim Press

Klinisk skattning av psykotiska symptom för DSM-V - nu finns den i svensköversatt version - av bl.a. CELAM-medarbetare. Gratis att ladda ner via Pilgrim Press!

Korsväg 4-2015

Peter Andiné från CELAM intervjuas i tidningen Korsväg om den delikata och intressanta frågan - psykisk sjukdom vs ondska?

”Så kan den allvarliga våldsbrottsligheten minskas” - DN.SE

”Så kan den allvarliga våldsbrottsligheten minskas” - debattartikel publicerad i DN Debatt idag av medarbetare från CELAM:


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Mölndal, Sweden
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