Studentföreningen på CIL / Student union at CIL Om oss:
Festlig Ambitiösa Studenter är en studentförening som anordnar pubkvällar och andra evenemang för alla studenter i Ljungby. FAST erbjuder även medlemmar ett brett sortiment av rabatter.
FAST:s medlemskort är från Studentkortet. Detta innebär att du får rabatter över hela Sverige. FAST erbjuder även rabatter hos företag i Ljungby.
Här kan du läsa om vilka rabatter du får med studentkortet:
Bli medlem:
Medlemskap kan tecknas när som helst. Medlemskapet gäller upp till ett år och måste förnyas varje hösttermin. En rekommendation är att gå med så fort som möjligt, för att inte missa några roliga events!
About us:
Festive ambitious Students is a student union that organizes pub nights and other events for all students in Ljungby. FAST also offers members a wide range of discounts.
FAST's membership card are from Studentkortet. This means you get discounts all over Sweden. FAST also offers discounts in Ljungby.
Here you can read about what discounts you get with student card:
Become a member:
You can become a member at any time. Membership is valid for up to one year and must be renewed each fall semester. A recommendation is to join as soon as possible, so you won’t miss any fun events!
Tell your friends
The theme for next weekend? WHITE! Get all the information in the event (and make sure to press "attending"!):
White-Party with FAST
Football with FAST
Football with FAST
Hi everyone! So today most of you should have gotten a mail about your studentcards. This mail will instruct you on how the app works that will contain your digital cards, so you will not get a physical card! However, those of you who didn't leave your mails when you registered will get this information by post. You can also find the information how this works on the website! If you have any questions regarding the studentcards please don't hesitate to contact us!
Attention! The event EXAM P A R T Y will unfortunately be cancelled due to the fact that there's a lack of interest and a lot of people are going home. What we in FAST want you to understand is that when we make an event, pushing the attend button makes it MUCH EASIER for us to plan and book venues. It's our way of knowing how big of a place we need to rent and then plan accordingly:) We know that this might be the first time you've ever got this information and we therefore ask you to in the future attend the events you know you're interested in/ are going to :D Xoxo Festligt Ambitiösa Studenter
Looking for extra work? Check this out! -> Utebaren is currently looking for a bartender. -> Café Garvaren is looking for extra staff. -> The 7th of October there will be a dinner/party at Garvaren and they are looking for waiting staff among the students. PM us here for more information!
ATTENTION! All students, this is the last week to buy membership for FAST. You will use the membership card to be able to get discounts in the cafeteria, at the student pub and at our activities. The membership for this semester and next is 250:- Get in contact with us to get your membership! :) Xoxo
Student Pub
The sun is shining, it's the perfect time for football! Don't miss out today at 13:30 @ Lagavallen (the fields near Tråden).
Football with FAST
Because of the shitty weather today, the hangover time with FAST will sadly be cancelled. We hope you're not too torn apart after the week, cause tonight we'll all gather at Harry's for a night out! There's free entrance before 00:00 if you download the app "Harry's Vänner". Hope to see you there 👊