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Bula kan konsten att se glad ut 🦁🐨 #kanonbacken #RT #rangertrail #trailrun #runner #trail #skogen #forest #nature #levalife #kulpåvägen #happydog #dogs #noears #nofear #hjärtat #bitch #maile #stud #svarting #staffordshirebullterrier #stafford #staff #staffy #staffygram

+3, blåst & regn perfekt för löpning på #rangertrail #karlsborg #vaberget

Just love this kind of the the middle of nowere. 🏃. Just me..and the music in my ears. 8.5km trailrun!! #rangertrail #running #trailrun #trail #forest #justme #challenge #tiredlegstoday #paininmycalves #motnyamål #minresaräknas #fitnessfestivalenthrowdown

#trailrunningsweden #minstig #skogen #rangertrail #tävling

After run chill 😅 #trailrun #doggie #sbt #staffordshirebullterrier #trut #stafford #bff #kompisar #happy #crossfitdogs #wagsandweights #dog #staff #trailrunning

How was your run today? - Paced myself - Did a negative split - Had a tumble - Enjoyed nature - Walked the hills - Stayed in zone 2 - Honey on rye bread never tasted better - Craved oranges - No cramps - No stomach issues - Timed a pee stop (15 sec) - Worried about losing momentum when stopping - Running in dark still intimidates - Running on my own - don't mind - Recovery week does make you stronger! - 39k/25mi in 4h15min - That's a 6:30min/km pace - 1087m/3300ft plus elevation gain - Average cadence 86rpm - Proud of my run today Then the adventure began. I managed to lock car with mobile and everything else inside - including the key! Don't ask!! 3 hrs later, cold and hungry I was happy to be home. Not so proud of that part. Let's just say running is the easy part 😂 Back on it tomorrow, but first a good nights sleep. Big hug 😴 #roadtoanultra @powerwoman_official @inov8sverige #raceultra270

Perfekt dag att springa Stig #trailrun #rangertrail #happy #dog #staffordshirebullterrier #staffe #trailruning #trailrunsweden #bagheerafjällmaratonsälen #girl #goodvibes #running #kul#skogen #bff #friend #kompis #redstaffy #smile #kanonbacken #springa #run #good

"Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience."👌🏼 Anyone else need a tattoo - Pace yourself. Then be fierce? 😂🙋That Ralphy Emerson wrote it beautifully. Next weeks long run is a new chance to pace it, then go fierce. Until then, a big cup of coffee, BCAA intake and read week 10 ➡️ Link in bio. Buenos días, hope you have a good day 🏃🌲👣 #roadtoanultra @powerwoman_official

"Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated." @inov_8 35.39km in 4:00:54h with 977m elevation gain in this playground. I think we can call it a wrap. The #RaceUltra270 shoe was perfect. Hope you get outside today. Big hug. Ps. The socks were worn for thorns and tics, not compression 😉 #roadtoanultra

🐷🐽 #rangertrail #trailrun #trainhard #run #crossfitdog #cf #crossfit #2xu #bagheeratrailmaraton #kanonbacken #fredagsfys #braskit #skogen #nature #staffordshirebullterrier #sbt #trailrunning #fjällmaratonsälen #bagheerafjällmaraton
