International Youth Initiative Program (YIP) is a holistic educational program for youth 18 - 28 in Järna, Sweden. 40 participants aged 18 to 28, from all over the world, live and learn together for 10 months in Järna, Sweden.
Participants work with international experts, doers and innovators to gain a holistic understanding of the current challenges humanity faces. Through hands-on workshops, projects and internships, they learn to use entrepreneurial principles and skills to create initiatives that meet these challenges while practising collaboration and moral integrity.
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facebook.comSlava Theatre has brought us back into our body's and back into ourselves. One main reflecting from the participants has been that their bonds with each other and as a group have become much stronger through the body work and theatrical exercises.
Slava Theatre has brought us back into our body's and back into ourselves. One main reflecting from the participants has been that their bonds with each other and as a group have become much stronger through the body work theatrical exercises.
We invite you to subscribe to the YIP newsletter sharing the journey through the curriculum, The community life and the personal path the participants are walking. There are also announcements from the YIP as an organisation. If you haven't signed up and would like this new issue please email A sneak peak.. ''Entering the YIP community, for me, is a whole new experience in every way. We are fully engaging with our bodies, minds and hearts. We are testing our concepts of freedom and power through initiative. I feel so much gratitude for being in this space, and yet it is still challenging for me to comprehend that this space exists at all.'' (continue reading in the newsletter) - Ro Solway
YIP has spent the week trying to understand AI and it's implications for human existence. How can we learn from the new sciences and what does it mean to be human? How do we wake up and create new paradigms? It's such a privilege to work with Nicanor Perlas, a man of great knowledge and understanding with a kind of courage to stand for humanity that inspires you towards transformation.
News about IF and the 10 Years of YIP Gathering This year the YIP program is going through some exciting changes. We have a new element to the curriculum where the whole of YIP will go to Brazil for three months from Dec-Jan, followed by the participants going on their international internship until the end of March. Because of this change there will not be an Initiative Forum in 2018. However as we will be coming towards the end of our 10th year of YIP we are organising an event to celebrate the work that has been done and to look towards the future of our community as a network. This event will happen from 1-5th August 2018 in Ytterjärna and there will be camping possibilities from 28th July- 11th August. It is going to be a very special gathering, with the hope that there will be many alumni and people connected as a part of the YIP community. As we are now a community that is already as large as Kulturhuset can hold, and as we hope and encourage all alumni to show up, we will not actively promote or advertise this event. However, we welcome those who feel a connection to everything YIP has been so far, and to those who want to be engaged in the YIP network for the years to come. Further details, invitations, and offers for contributions will be posted here in the coming months, but please save the date! If you have any questions please contact us With excitement to gather together with you all, and warmest wishes, The YIP team.
The YIP participants (yippies) have just returned from a one week Autumn break allowing some space to digest, reconnect to themselves and the world and return to a new level of friendship and community. This is what taking a break looked like for some of them.
As we are heading of to Brazil for Dec, Jan and Feb, we have our beautiful spaces to rent out during that time. If you have any ideas, or would like to book please be in touch at
“We had the honour to have our YIP Alumni Kailea Sonrisa Fredrick here with us for one week hosting the course “Earth Is `Ohana” She shared her passion and knowledge about seeing our earth as our family and home. We dived into this theme with big, beautiful, confronting questions... “When did you felt connected to earth/nature when it felt alive or even sacred to you?" ''At what point do we cross the boundary to what the planet can take of our man made impact?'' “How do we practice returning home to our landscapes in order to regenerate our relationship with the earth?” "What would we, the privileged wester world do if our region would be on fire, or flooded, or in the war conflict? In the state that is irreversible and was not caused by us, but by somebody else... Would we stay or leave?" Who knows what asking those questions to yourself or surroundings might inspires you to do..
Politics and Governance has been our theme this week with Gerald Häfner - What are the rules we are agreeing with, and what has been given that we had no say in? How do we bring in new impulses to the systems that already exists? What is the responsibility of the individual in relationship to the system? What does spiritual life have to do with economic life? And a highlight was a beautiful afternoon foraging for mushrooms in the Swedish forest at Under Tallena, meeting the extraordinary ecosystem that mushrooms give to live. And how delicious this is!
"Antroposofi och de aktuella händelserna i världen" "FN:s 17 globala mål för hållbar utveckling, antroposofi och samhällets tregrening" Seminarium och föredrag med Nicanor Perlas 12 oktober, Kulturhuset i Ytterjärna 16.00 -17.30 Introduction and conversation with Nicanor Perlas: ”UN 17 global goals for sustainable development, anthroposophy och societal threefolding”. Kvällsmat Anmäl dig om du önskar kvällsmat(betalas på plats). Senast den 4/10! Till:, 08-554 30220. 19.00 – 21.00 Lecture and conversation Nicanor Perlas: ”Anthroposophy och and the current events in the world” The impulse of three-folding as a possible plattform for many initiatives in civil society, for alternative movements! OBS seminarium och föredrag på engelska! Inträde: Fritt Fria bidrag tas emot av YIP (Swish 123 042 38 55) för att täcka omkostnader. Arrangörer: YIP, Ekobanken, Omställning Järna, Föreningen SOFIA, Trialog Tankesmedja, Antroposofiska Sällskapet
Introducing the YIP10 organising team, the holders of the vessel that makes YIP possible. We all feel blessed to have such a wonderful group of colleagues; supportive, fun, organised, artistic, practical.. And thank you to all the participants, without whom we would have nothing to do!
This week we have been learning the Art of Hosting, ourselves, others and the collective. What leadership is needed in the world today? What is calling me to step up? How can we support each other in this learning journey? We have done lot's of harvesting, both conversationally and literally! Singing, art, gardening, community meetings and endless conversations continue to hold the frame work of our time together. The big question arising at the moment is 'how do I live in community and be present to the program without feeling exhausted? How do I create space for myself?'.