Grennaskolan Boarding School is a Swedish boarding school located in Gränna, Jönköping County. Grennaskolan Boarding School was founded in 1963 by Stockholm University and has today approximately 200 students, half of whom are boarding school students and half of whom are international students.The boarding school is one of the three elite boarding schools in Sweden, the others being Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket and Lundsbergs Boarding School. Grennaskolan Boarding School AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rådhuset AB, which is fully owned by Jönköping Municipality.EducationThe school offers the MYP program from grades 7-9. The high school offers both Swedish and English programs. Students of the Swedish program focus either on humanities or science and mathematics. The English-speaking programme is the IB program International Baccalaureate.BoardingThe school has approximately 200 students. Overall, half of the students are boarding students. There are currently two homes for boys and two homes for girls, where students aged 13–19 live.Boardings houses for boys Postiljonen Norra VulkanenBoardings houses for girls Grevégården Postiljonen Södra
Tell your friends
I'm gonna miss making fun of all y'alls accents. Thanks for an unforgettable 3 weeks. Hejdå Gränna!


Heddy & Heddis taking care of business 💪🏼👯

Upper Gränna 🤠

We go swimming before work 🐠 and then patiently smile for all my photos 😜

Idag är vi i Gränna och monterar accesspunkter... Underbar dag att ut och resa en runda.


Vättern 🦀

En mycket vacker morgon här i Gränna och idag blir resultaten från IB-exams i maj 2017 tillgängliga.

It's not about winning it's about having fun... but we did both #sorrynotsorry #champions 💪🏼🏆


Kan inte hjälpa det, var ju så glad! Och lovar att det är sista bilden från studenten nu🙈

A perfect week. Good luck next year! 💙💛

🎓GRATTIS (något sent) till studenten älskling

even ToK was worth this moment!!!! #IBsurvivors
