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Att hålla ihop desi community i Sverige är viktigt. Ett sätt är att ge stöd till dem som ger oss tillgång till Bollywood. Vi förtjänar att kunna se alla Bollywoodfilmer till överkomliga priser, inte enbart de allra största. Filmen Fan visas för 150 kronor. Mer information om hur du kan se filmen kommer inom kort. FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING FRIENDS Bringing the desi community together is a priority in Sweden, We can start by supporting those bringing Bollywood to us. Desi in Sweden deserve to watch a movie at a reasonable price no matter how big the movie is. Fan is showing at 150 krone. SO LETS GIVE THEM SUPPORT AND SHOW SWEDEN THAT DESI SUPPORT BOLLYWOOD AND DESI ARE A COMMUNITY. Advanced booking information will come soon. #iamfan #iamsrk #sweden #bollywood #supportbollywoodinsweden #idesi #stockholm #malmo #gotenberg #uppsala #15thapril #150krtickets #respectforbollywood #respectfordesi #bringcommunitytogether #desirespect #community #letsmakeitbig #shahrukhkhan #desiinswedendeservethis #nomoreoverpricedtickets
Lilla Japan Sushi in 360
Here is another 360degree video from IDesi & Ilma Production - Lilla Japan Sushi 360 degree view. Simply move the phone around or play with the touch and scroll around to watch video at an angle you prefer.