Blidö Bageri & Musteri ligger i roslagensskärgård mitt på ön Blidö. Vi bakar på ekologiskt stenmalt mjöl och mustar äpplen. Ett litet café finns också.
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So my dad came to me and pointed somewhere at his gluteus muscles and said "it hurts right here when I sit for a long time, I don't know what to do". I said to him, "sorry dad, but I'm a yoga teacher, not a doctor. But if you want you can try this variation of pigeon pose towards the table". I showed him how to do it and he started right away. I've noticed that people who've had this type of issue, all have something in common. The back of their legs/hamstrings and gluteus muscles are all very short/tight. And this variation of pigeon pose is a really good one to work lengthen those areas. Pigeon pose increases the external rotation of the femur bone and also lengthens the psoas muscle, a primary hip flexor connecting the torso and legs that gets chronically shortened in our chair-bound society. So this pic was taken just a few days ago, and today my dad told me that it has started to work real good and the pain is gone. So I just wanted to share it with you, I case you or anyone...

💕☀️ #blidöbageri

På väg till Stämmarsunds trä tar jag lillfika på vägen. #träningsglädje

Finner lugn och äter supergott bröd! Ian undrar vad han ska beställa... ♡ @blido_bageri
