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Bebs Barcelona Executive Business School

Sant Leopold 101, Terrassa, Spain



BEBS “Barcelona Executive Business School” is a business school created by executives for executives with more than 15 years of experience. BEBS aims to offer, through its training programs and Master's degrees, a global development experience where the academic world meets the business one, this one having a totally important role: as a result of it, you will have an innovative, differential, global experience, no matter if you are a student, manager or an executive.

With this focus, BEBS contributes to:
* Promote an innovative approach of Management.
* Boost the process of innovation, sales growth and internationalization in companies.
* Impulse the Entrepreneurial Spirit by promoting the global development of businessmen and women.
* Promote the strategic vision, which is such a huge need for our economies, so that their leaders were able to design and promote innovative and sustainable business models.
* Develop social responsibility in the company with teams who can combine professional competence with committed leadership and service to society.


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Hurry up! Scholarship application registration is approaching. 20% Scholarship on our Online Masters for 2016 editions. Contact:

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Nuestro International Master in eSupply Chain Management (online) comienza el 3 de Febrero de 2016, últimas plazas disponibles, infórmate en o llámanos al 0034 937 888 599


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Terrassa, Spain
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