》Yoga ● Pilates ● Acupuntura ● Masajes ● Terapias Natuales 》Yoga ● Pilates ● Acupuncture ● Massages ● Natural Therapies
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🌟NEW CLASSES🌟 YIN YOGA🔸HATHA YOGA🔸POWER YOGA 🔸YIN YOGA🔸 Yin Yoga is unlike any other yoga practise. It is a beautifully simple and deeply powerful means of releasing pain and tension in the body and perfect for assisting rehabilitation from injuries and trauma. Yin Yoga is a totally passive but very powerful practise that requires no fitness or flexibility. Yin Yoga will: - Relieve muscular and joint pain - Loosen overall tightness and tension in the body - Increase flexibility - Provide relief from pain caused by auto immune conditions such as Fibromyalgia and Arthritis - Relax, destress and uplift 🔸HATHA YOGA🔸 Hatha really just means the physical practise of yoga, but is also commonly used to describe a yoga practise that focuses on the foundation postures of yoga. Our Hatha classes provide a simple, accessible practise suitable for beginners and more advanced students. Hatha Yoga will: - Build and refine your foundation knowledge of the yoga postures - Increase strength, tone and flexibility - Improve breathing, reduce stress and anxiety - Achieve a balanced state of energised calm. 🔸POWER YOGA🔸 Power Yoga is a strong athletic practise accessible to everyone with a basic level of fitness, no flexibilty required. Power Yoga will: - Build serious strength and tone - Improve flexibility - Assist weightloss - Provide a total body workout - Progress your yoga practise beyond the basics - Create an immense feeling of empowerment and well being
Cuando dejo de SER, SOY
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Ya estan listos los detallitos para el Torneo de San Valentin ⛳😊❤🍀
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Hoy vuelta a la normalidad!👏 Retomamos las clases 😊 Lunes y Miercoles: Yoga: 19:00h 🕖 Pilates: 20:30h 🕣
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