KARLA CAKES are Healthy Lifestyle Recipes by Karla Darocas
www.KarlaCakes.com - A Cookbook of Sweet & Savoury Healthy Cakes made with Whole Super Foods!! WELCOME TO KARLA CAKES
Hello World,
My name is Karla Darocas and I am Canadian-born and educated journalist, artist, entrepreneur and educator.
When I was 17 years of age, I started as a reporter at my regional newspaper. My assignments were often to interview different types of health professionals from all sorts of disciplines in the health and healing world.
It was from these experiences that led me to a passion for research in all the health fields. Over the past 30 years of interviews, reporting and discussions I have found that my accumulated knowledge has all led to one universal truth - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
Today, I am still involved in health related reporting and I have been married to a Spanish national since 2001. I live and worked on the sunny Mediterranean shores of the Costa Blanca in Spain.
I first started experimenting with cooking when I was a small child on my grandparent’s farm in Elmvale, Ontario, Canada. My grandmother, Ida Ingleton, was a fantastic cook. There was always a clan full of family on the farm especially during the holiday seasons; hence food and eating were part of this wonderful way of life. I was always at my grandmother’s apron strings learning how to make everything from boiled eggs to pastry tarts to roast turkey.
This curiosity about cooking carried over into my adult life. At college and university I was always having parties in order to feed all my friends with my experiential cooking. For me, it is like a special kind of science or alchemy whereby experiments can work or fail, but this fate is all part of the fun!
I was always at a loss for finding alternative sources for flour so I just decided one day to use whole ingredients like beans, rice and chickpeas and see what happened. Of course, I needed a good hand food processor and I had to learn to get the right balances and measures in order to get the heavier batters to rise. But, after much experimentation and perseverance - I did it!!
I wanted to develop and document my recipes so that I could create cookbooks that were guidebooks to healthy, alternative cooking with whole non-refined ingredients, which would help to change people’s lives.
Enjoy and stay healthy,
Mrs. Karla Darocas
These cookbooks are designed for people who care about their diet and nutrition.
Cakes are made with alternative ingredients that do not use refined ingredients but are high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals.
They are also low in fat and sugar yet rich in texture and flavour.
These recipes are easy, fun to make.
They are 100% GUILT-FREE and delicious!
Anyone who is cares about their nutrition for their family and themselves.
Diabetics who need to remove refined wheat and sugars from their diets.
Anyone who needs to increase their fiber in order to reduce their cholesterol, normalise bowel movements, lower risk of hemorrhoids, control blood sugar levels, and maintain a healthy weight.
People who need more plant-based protein in their bodies to help prevent osteoporosis and kidney disease.
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