Top Local Places

Maquassi HILLS LOCAL Municipality

19 KRUGER STREET, Wolmaransstad, South Africa
Government Organization



Area: 4 643km²
Description: Maquassi Hills Local Municipality is situated within Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality in the North West province.
Cities/Towns: Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Witpoort, Wolmaransstad

Demographic Information
Population: 77 794
Households: 20 505
Population Growth: 1.19% p.a.
Unemployment Rate: 33.40%

Political Management
The municipality is currently under S139 provincial administration.
Reason: Administration, Governance and Financial
Composition of Council: ANC 17, DA 3, COPE 1
Mayor: G V Kgabi
Other Members of Council: O S Duffy (Speaker), G J van Zyl (MMC: Admin Services), T S Selete (MMC: Engineering Services and Finance), M D Matete (MMC: Community Services)

Administrative Management
Municipal Manager: I R Jonas


PUBLIC NOTICE PREPARATION OF 2018-2022 VALUATION ROLL Notice is hereby given that the municipality appointed Eagilwe Property Consulting and Assets for the compilation of a new valuation roll in terms of the provision of the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 [Act no. 6 of 2004] for implementation on 1 July 2018 and the maintenance of such valuation roll by supplementary valuation in respect of all rateable property situated within the area of jurisdiction of the Maquassi Hills Local Municipality for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022. The Valuer will conduct inspections of properties from 21 August 2017 onwards to determine the market value of all properties in our municipal area. Income derived from property rates is a critical source of revenue for municipalities to achieve their constitutional objectives.



ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS Notice is given in terms of the regulations published in Government Notice No. R.982 of 4 December 2014 under Sections 24G and 44 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) of the submission of an application for rectification of the following activity to the North West Department of Rural Environment and Agricultural Development: The proposed development of a portion (66.541 hectares) of the remaining extent of Portion 54 Rietkuil 43 HP (proposed Leeudoornstad X6, X7, X8 & X9), Maquassi Hills Local Municipality, North West Province. Nature of activity: The clearance of 20 hectares or more of indigenous vegetation (Listing Notice 2, Activity Number 15 of the 2014 EIA Regulations); and residential, mixed, retail, commercial, industrial or institutional development where such land was used for agriculture on or after 1 April 1998 where such development will occur inside an urban area, when the total land to be developed is bigger than 5 hectares (Listing Notice 1, Activity Number 28(i) of the 2014 EIA Regulations). Property coordinates: 27°13’43.98” South, 26°15’14.86” East. Proponent: Maquassi Hills Local Municipality Further information can be obtained from and representations can be made to the following person within 30 (thirty) days of date of publication: CP Linde, Envirovision Consulting CC, Cellular phone: 0824440367, Fax number: 0865579447, E-mail: Postal address: 450 Wendy Street, Waterkloof Glen 0181.

APPROVAL OF MUNICIPAL BUDGET 2017/2018 Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Budget for the 2017/2018 Financial Year has been approved in terms of section 24 & 25 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, (Act No 56 of 2003) on THURSDAY, 22 JUNE 2017. A copy of the estimates and tariffs can be inspected for information at the office of the Acting Chief Financial Officer during office hours from date of publication of this notice. ASSESSMENT RATES: The following rates shall be levied in respect of the abovementioned financial year on rateable property recorded in the valuation roll or provisional supplementary valuation roll- SERVICE FOR WHICH TARIFF IS LEVIED RATE EXPRESSED AS CENTS IN THE RAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY (i) Residential property 0,0171 (ii) Vacant residential property 0,0342 AGRICULTURAL/FARMING PROPERTY (i) Agricultural Residential 0,0042 (ii) Agricultural Business 0,0200 (iii) Agricultural Industrial 0,0200 (iv) Agricultural Game Farming & Hunting 0,0200 SMALLHOLDINGS USED FOR (i) bona fide agricultural/farming purposes 0,0042 (ii) residential purposes 0,0042 (iii) mixed use 0,0200 (iv) industrial purposes 0,0200 (v) business and commercial purposes 0,0200 (vi) any other purpose than those specified above 0,0200 TARIFF INCREASE: Water 8.5% Electricity 1.88% Refuse6.4% Sewerage 6.4% The amount due for rates shall be payable from 1 July 2017. Bank determined interest per annum is chargeable on all amounts in arrear after the fixed day and defaulters are liable to legal proceedings for recovery of such arrear amounts.

MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND LICENSING All motor vehicle registration and licensing transactions can be done at Leeudoringstad in the light of the Wolmaransstad Office being closed due to severe fire damage. Leeudoringsstad office open since 02/05/2017 for motor vehicle registration and licensing APPLICANTS must personally visit the Leeudoringsstad office for motor vehicle registration and licensing ONLY Driver’s License cards that has been received from PRODIBA will be issued in Wolmaransstad. APPLICATION FOR New Driving License Cards can be applied for at any other DLTC as Maquassi Hills will not be able to assist. NO OTHER transactions can be done in Wolmaransstad until further notice. TRAFFIC FINES can be paid at the ROADBLOCK BUS at the Roadworthy Testing Station or on the road.

Municipal Finance Management Interns VACANCIES X3 CLOSING DATE: 16 JUNE 2017 Invitations are invited from applicants who meet the requirements. R130 000 – R140 000 pa Grade 12 3 years B. Comm / N. Diploma in Financial Management / Accounting / Economics or Auditing. No work experience are required DUTIES Implementation of GRAP and Budget Reforms. Financial & Expenditure Management. Supply Chain Management. Asset Management and Implementation of the MFMA No. 56 of 2003 NB: Municipal APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT FORM will be accepted (Obtainable at the Human Resources Office) and must be clearly marked with the Post Title E.g. Municipal Finance Management Interns and accompanied by certified copies of certificates and qualifications. All duly completed applications for employment must be directed for the attention of Manager Personnel (P. Mogale), Corporate Wing, 19 Kruger Street Wolmaransstad.

ALIENATION OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 79 (18) of the Local Government Ordinance 17 of 1939 that it is the intention of Council to sell the following property to the person mentioned hereto: PORTION OF ERF 2742 LEBALENG EXT 4 TO REATIGILE CHRECHE FOR R14,250-00 [Vat Included] and PORTION OF ERF 2283 WOLMARANSSTAD EXTENSION 10 TO TOKOLOGO CRECHE FOR R17,100-00 [Vat Included] Further regarding the proposed transfers will lie for inspection at the Admin Offices in Wolmaransstad, during normal office hours for a period of 14 days from the date of publication hereof, during which period motivated, legal and valid objections to the proposed alienations may be launched in writing with the Municipal Manager, 19 Kruger Street, Private Bag X3, Wolmaransstad, 2630.

MAQUASSI HILLS LOCAL MUNICIPALITY TELEPHONE NUMBERS 018 596 3025 018 596 2495 018 596 2891 018 596 1074

Motor vehicle registration and licensing transactions All motor vehicle registration and licensing transactions can be done at Leeudoringstad in the light of the Wolmaransstad Office being closed due to severe fire damage. Leeudoringstad office opened today 02/05/2017 ONLY Driver’s License cards that has been received from PRODIBA will be issued in Wolmaransstad. APPLICATION FOR New Driving License Cards can be applied for at any other DLTC as Maquassi Hills will not be able to assist. NO OTHER transactions can be done in Wolmaransstad until further notice. TRAFFIC FINES can be paid at the ROADBLOCK BUS at the Roadworthy Testing Station or on the road.
