Power of Calvary - Cross
Power of the cross outreach ministry is a movement establish by Sicelo Masangu for the purpose of wining souls for Christ
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facebook.comYou are invited to AGCI TSAKANE 3 day's thanksgiving revival, tonight I will be ministering, 6:30pm, kuzoba kuhle,
tonight we are closing the revival at langaville ext8, and Ps Masango will be ministering, please join us if you are in and around kwatsaduza, 6pm is the time,ngempela kuzofudumala, kuzoba Mnandi....kuzoba kuhle,
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kuzoba kuhle
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our revival has started today is our day 2, kuzoba kuhle,
kulezinsuku ngidliwa imfihlakalo eyabonwa indodana yolahleko uma ibuyela kuyise ithi "angifanelwe" ukubizwa ngendodana yakho, sonke "besingafanele" kodwa wathi eza kwabakhe, abakhe abamazanga, kwasekuvuleka umthombo wensindiso, nathi safumana umusa,besingafanele, kodwa kwafika ivangeli lomusa nathi senziwa saba ngabakhe,
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POC will be hosting their 1st revival for their 2nd term at langaville ext 4, we invite you all to come and experience the simple move of God that will affect your life positively, we have in line Pastor S.Magcanya, Pastor P.Soga, Bishop T.Seleke, and POC Ministers T.Maseko,T.Tsotetsi, N. Nkambule and S. Masango, this will be a two weeks revival hosted for a purpose of winning soul's for the kingdom of God, and bring revival to the body of Christ through the gospel of Grace, Psalm 8:4, we are still focusing on our previous theme, Umuntu akalahlwa esaphila,
I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross. ✝
