Taboo Salvage Centre
T-Shirts at Bargain price.Quality nappies, all brands at LOW prices Shoes, and something new every week. At Taboo Trading, WHO we are is most important to us. We do this by following some simple beliefs. TRANSPARENCY & TRUST in all we do, for us as a team, with our clients, suppliers and the people of South Africa. UP-LIFTING & HELPING ALL, be willing, able and ready to always aid each and every person around us. CREATE, OWN AND DEVELOP yourself, your space and the things that make your life awesome and share.
Taboo Trading consists of 2 affiliates, Taboo Salvage Centre &
As a group and Taboo Trading we search, phone, email, meet with, contact, wheel and deal, fight, hunt, research, investigate and do all the legwork for you the client and end user. We buy, sell, trade, re-sell and negotiate. We do all the work in the back and use our systems and partner network to bring the Right Deal at the Right Price at the Right Time. We attend auctions and sell-offs and ensure we bulk buy to get the best price. Liquidations, clearances, and End of line and life massive wholesales so that we can pass the savings on to the public.
(We however do not sell, buy or trade in Mother-in-law’s.)
Our creed is to get the best product for the best price and we use our affiliates to sell to the public. Our two general affiliates are Taboo Salvage Centre which was established five years ago in Durban and Taboo est. 2015. The Taboo Salvage Centre is a walk in, browse now, peruse through, touch and feel store that you the public are able to come and shop in. We aim through our bulk deals and salvage ethos to get you products below retail cost and try to pass savings onto you this way.
Taboo is proscribed by society as improper, unacceptable, prohibited or excluded from use or practice. It describes the exclusion or interdiction from use or practice as well. When an act or event is forbidden, Taboo is even the condition of being set apart, being excluded socially and ostracized. (Tabooed, Tabooing).
Salvage is a French word in Origin and primarily means to save a ship or its cargo from the perils of the Sea, and developed into saving property and goods and to save anything from danger and is now used to describe the Value or proceeds upon sale of goods recovered.
These words describe our business very well and summarize what and how we do it as well.
The prices we are able to bring to the public are Taboo by business standards and mass market selling, we are another way of doing business that is Taboo and retailing cost effectively to the public. It is Taboo we are able to deliver to you so well. The Salvage is how we rescue items and get great deals at the Right Price at the Right Time and at our ‘Right Place’ – 25 Henwood Road, Pinetown, Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. (Google Maps and 4Square). Many well-known retail stores buy in bulk and when stock is stored all over South Africa in warehouses, companies often over order and need to clear stock in Bulk. Distribution channels often fail and stock needs to be cleared. Overruns are great source of stock. Stock often sits for long periods of time and we are able to get great deals on aged stock. In these economic up and down times businesses are susceptible to insolvencies and we also buy stock in bulk from these. In the truest sense we Salvage South Africa for the bargain buys you are able to find in our store every day.
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197 Stamford Hill
Only at 197 Stamford hill road durban, Windermere @197stamfordhill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
197 Stamford Hill
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VERY LIMITED STOCK SIZE 4 (7-14kg) PREMIUM 1 x single pack 24 NAPPIES = R60 1x bale 96 NAPPIES = R240 Only 10 packs of size 5 44 nappies R110 Only AVAILABLE at 197 Stamford hill road durban, Windermere @197Stamfordhill 0813171857 0716265672
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SEBASTIAN POTION 9 500ml SEBASTIAN STYLIXIR 150ml R50 each Only available @197Stamfordhill 197 Stamford hill road durban, Windermere
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Having a Friday bad texting DAY OUR OFFICIAL PRICE ON THE WETWIPES ARE R16.00 per pack
Leaving Pinetown on way to Capetown. Post update 10am.
