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House Jade

U 182 Liza Crescent, West Village, Krugersdorp, South Africa
Nonprofit Organization



We are dedicated to providing the best possible home for our babies. We believe that every baby deserves all the love and best care we can provide  House Jade is one of the newer baby/toddler projects in the uMephi system. We have recently converted the beautiful big house, that used to be home to older children in the system, to a baby home for abandoned babies. House Jade is able to house up to 12 babies or toddlers.

We need a lot of community involvement to make this project successful. Because it is so new, and the community are only slowly becoming aware of it now, we could do with some input from our neighbours and friends in the area!

Please come pop in and meet our team - house mom Belinda Kotze is always delighted to have visitors!


Please Santa...we have been SO good this year 😇. And we have eaten all of our veggies 🤥 pleeez can you think of our babbas who need Infacare 1 and size 3-6kg disposable nappies? They eat more than we do but they are SO SMALL 🤨🤨And please Santa...our toddlers are making puddles everywhere ...cus we don't have size 5 pull up disposable nappies. . 💦💦💦 So be careful Santa when you climb down the chimney that you don't slip and wake the babies as you sneak in.....😍😍

Play time!

We welcome another new born to House Jade. 1 Month old. Please help by donating infacare no. 1.

We welcome twin babies to House Jade. Please help us by donating Infacare no.1 or any other baby products.

I just want to thank all the staff and relief workers here at House Jade that work so hard and show so much passion and dedication when it comes to making a difference in our babies' and toddlers lives. I am so privileged to be working with you all. Thank you for your support and for all the hard work during the long and exhausting days and tiring nights. I value and cherish you all. 😘😘

Yvonne. One of our caregivers having her birthday party

October birthdays in House Jade.

Hi everyone. We would be delighted and so grateful if anyone could possibly donate formula for our babies. Our most frequently used formulas currently are Infacare 2 and Lactogen 2. Please could you help us take care of these little ones. And if anyone is able to assist us with milk sachets for our toddlers it would truly be a huge help. Please support our home 😘

Urgently in need of ink for printing - anyone with contacts or wanting to donate, kindly get in touch #AdminMakesTheWorldGoRound

Thank you Marlene Kotze for your generous, and much needed, donation of a GPS! May you be blessed for your beautiful heart!

Did you know - you can order online with PicknPay and Takealot and deliver straight to our babies! Please consider blessing us with much needed Infacare 1 and 2 baby formula, Purity first foods, cleaning products or fresh fruit and veg... #MakeADifference
