DanceIt Studios SA
An affiliate SABOD member offering exam, open and competition classes in Tap, Modern, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop & Ballet. National & Internation Comps.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS‼️Check Out Our Website ‼️ Visit the website link in our bio for all info to do with DanceIt 👏🏼 we will have our class schedules, news, competition info, results etc all for you 💃🏼🕺🏼 #DanceIt #Studios #CheckItOut #HomeOfTheWorldChampions
We dance to inspire!
For all DanceIt students that are looking to compete in 2018 ‼️💃🏼🕺🏼 If you cannot make the meeting please inform your trainer 👍🏼 #DanceIt #Studios #HomeOfTheWorldChampions
For all dancers looking to compete in 2018 ‼️ #DanceIt #Studios #HomeOfTheWorldChampions
Missed registration day? Don’t worry we have trail classes ALL WEEK for you to come try out ‼️💃🏼🕺🏼 Inbox us for times or contact Bev on 0832827734 📬📱 #DanceIt #Studios #RegisterNow #HomeOfTheWorldChampions #DontMissOut
‼️HAPPENING TODAY ‼️ Whether you’re 5 or 65, Beginner or Advance, DanceIt Studios has a place for you 💃🏼🕺🏼 Come meet our team today and sign yourself up for some amazing classes in all styles and join us for an exciting year of dance 👏🏼🎉 #DanceIt #Studios #HomeOfTheWorldChampions #RegistrationDay #ComeSignUp #DontMissOut #DancersInSA
Only 3 more days to go ‼️💃🏼🕺🏼 Don’t forget to come sign up and be a part of our teams that will be participating in Battle of the Giants, SABOD, World of Dance, African Championship, IDO & Dance Star for 2018 🎉🔥 Believe me you don’t want to miss out ‼️ Trained by Internationally recognized trainers & choreographers 🕺🏼💃🏼 #DanceIt #Studios #HomeOfTheWorldChampions #OneFamily #HipHop #Tap #Modern #Jazz #Showdance #StudiosInSA
‼️Registration Day Info ‼️ Don’t Miss Out on the opportunity to be a part of our family for 2018👏🏼 Lots of events, competitions and exciting things will be happening this year and you surely don’t want to miss out 😉 Contact us for more information 📲💻 #DanceIt #Studios #HomeOfTheWorldChampions #2018Begins #DontMissOut
We are getting excited to get back to studio and am sure you are all ready to get back to dancing! So watch this space for updates!
Want to be part of all these events for 2018⁉️ Join DanceIt studios and be part of our competing teams for these incredible events happening in 2018 💃🏼🕺🏼 Inbox us for more info on how to join our Studio 📬 Join the Home of the World Champions🏆‼️ #DanceIt #Studios #WhatWeDo #HomeOfTheWorldChampions #JoinUs