Faith Miracle Temple South Africa
Our Belief
We believe in the ONE TRUE and living GOD
The maker of all creation; the all-knowing, all-powerful, every-where-present, eternal Father This is the platform for our church to exercise the LACE approach which is to Listen, to Attend, to Connect and mostly Engage with the communities we serve and our congregation by we relate to each other intimately and in real time.
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Inviting ALL YOUNG, YOUNG ADULTS to our 3rd Annual Youth Conference #MyTrueIDInChrist2017
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Worship Sunday
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Let's PRAY!
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Every Tuesday@5:30 outside our church building 98 Maud Mfusi (St Georgis) Street Durban! Come join us for a time of worship and prayer! Be saved!
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#Throwback 2016 Youth Outreach to our cities! Lord we are DETERMINED to see your people reunited to you through knowing Jesus Christ as LORD! #Young #old #black #white #poor #rich from the #least to the #greatest for the Soul chooses not! But it longs for your presence
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Reaching our cities for Jesus Christ! One person one soul at any given time! We are a church that loves everyone from all walks of life and God has positioned us to show his love in our City of Durban! Thy will be done this Tuesday @6pm.
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To everyone that came out for our #YouthTalent Show yesterday 29.04.17! You're the BEST! May God continue to bless you as you blessed us! From FMTSA Church! Let's do it again and again 2018! We ready
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With just #1Day countdown to go! Get ready to be blessed! We look forward to seeing you!
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#2Day Countdown to @FMTSA Yth Talent show!