Joel Motlafi Ministries International (J.M.M.I.)
J.M.M.I is intended to share with you from my heart the things the Lord has put in my heart, and that I continue to learn from the Lord. the intent is TO EQUIP PEOPLE FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM DOMINION. BLESSINGS! J.M.M.I is the Apostolic and Teaching ministry of Dr. Joel Motlafi, who is also the Founder and Pastor of Rise-Up Bible Church, in South Africa. The vision of J.M.M.I is TO EQUIP PEOPLE FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM LIFE AND DOMINION, by teaching them the Biblical basis for and Principles of Dominion.
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facebook.comPsalms 23:1 THE GOOD SHEPHERD David’s poetic praise to God The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. The Lord is my best friend- This speaks of acquaintance with the Lord. Getting to know the Lord through fellowship with Him in the Word and prayer will make us friends with Him. The word for shepherd is the same in Hebrew for best friend. The Lord is my Shepherd! The Shepherd: 1. Guides 2. Guards/Protects 3. Provides/Feeds This is the blessing of being Looked after by the Lord. He is our inheritance. We are One with Him. So then child of God, let us rest in the truth of His commitment to all we need Him to be in our lives. WE ARE SAFE IN HIS CARE SHALOM
How do you see yourself with GOD IN YOU? Think on this: "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." Paul was said to be chosen as a vessel of God's grace to the world. Did you know that you are God's vessel. You have Him in you. We have Him in us. You are a vessel, and like a cargo ship you have goods to bless others with. Life, health, strength, joy, peace, wealth, restoration, all these and more have come with Him into yours and my life. Be this vessel of grace for many. Seek God and obey Him joyfully as you become His change agent. The world awaits us. Will you be the blessing He's made and called you to be?
You were born for such a time as this. With God in you, you will carry out the purpose of your existence as He designed you to do it. The Holy Spirit is your Helper and Intercessor. Yield to Him. You were born to win in life!!! Isaiah 60:1 Isaiah 60 TAB ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Christ is in you! Rise to a new life and be the light He's called you to be in this dark and lost world. Never give up. You were born to manifest His glory and bring multitudes to His saving knowledge. Rise!!! Shine!!! Your light has come!!!!!
Psalm 23:1 Psalm 23:1 CEV [1] You, LORD, are my shepherd. I will never be in need. Lord- Jehovah. The Self existing or Eternal One. He needs no help to be Himself. He is All-Sufficient. No limits. David says 'are'- same as 'is'. There is no end to Who or What He is. Continually and each day He is. I can hear Jeremiah crying out " The steadfast and unfailing love of the Lord NEVER ceases. His mercies NEVER COME TO AN END. They ARE new EVERY morning. Great is Your faithfulness. He says the Lord is 'MY' Shepherd. There is a sense of ownership here. David is saying something that requires our observation and application here: Shepherd! What is the shepherds vocation? He Feeds His flock He guides His flock He guards His flock I will NEVER be in need!!! I SHALL NOT WANT. Let's meditate this and hear the Holy Spirit assuring us. The greatest characteristic of faith is rest, and those who are of faith do enter into His rest. THE LORD IS MY/YOUR SHEPHERD child of God.
Jesus knew no sin. Never had or committed it. He was Made sin: He who did not know sin in an experiential way, on behalf of us and instead of us, was made sin, in order that, as for us, we might become a righteousness of God in Him. (Wuest) We did not know righteousness. He was Made sin for us, so that we might be Made the Righteousness of God in Him. WE WERE MADE! I am today who and what He made me to be!!! Oh!!!
The Bible declares the Good News for humanity. God so loved us that He gave His Son to assume our guilt, to suffer our penalty, to endure the judgment of our sins and to die in our stead, as our substitute. He did this in order to share with us His own Miracle Life and to restore us to Himself as His friends and partners.- TL Osborn
You are valuable! Never put yourself down. How can you crawl when you are the child of a King? How can you beg when you have the wealth of the universe? How can you burn out when God is the strength of your life? How can you moan when God has put a song in your heart? How can you die inside when Christ is your life?” -TL Osborn
We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth." - Andrew Murray