Ons is 'n gemeente wat geleë is in Valhalla. Ons wil graag 'n gemeente wees wat koninkryksbouers vir ons gemeenskap maar ook vir die wêreld is.
Rescue Africa is an NGO dealing with orphans, less privileged children and widows. we are based in South Africa. our mission is to rescue these children.
health-related purposes, including to relieve pain, rehabilitate sports injuries, relaxation, sports massage, deep tissue as well as trigger point therapy
Heidelberg se een Stop Slaghuis. Waar jy vars organiese hormoon vrye produkte kan kry teen die beste pryse.
All groceries, fresh meat and freshly baked products available. Vars gekookte etes en slaaie elke dag en Spesiale Sondag Middag etes.
Durban Fresh Face To The Clubbing Scene, Bringing You The Best Events, And DJ's From Around SA.
Kinderkinetics aims to promote & optimize the neuromotoric development of young children (0-12 years), through scientifically based physical activity
Gifts for ever and for always
We make the best coffee for those who love to drink it! Breakfasts and Lunches served. Great place! Open weekdays: 07:15 - 16:00 Saturdays 08:00 - 13:00