Langsdiebos Mark vind elke Saterdag van 09h00 - 13h00 op die Voortrekkerterrein agter Hoërskool Swartland se Sportgronde in Malmesbury plaas.
420 mabele street Rammolutsi P.O BOX370 VILJOENSKROON 9520 FOR ENQUIRIES: TEL:0563431801 FAX:0563433833 EMAIL:THABANGJS@TELKOMSA.NET
Mr Logistix is a Gauteng based logistics company that specialises in local furniture and appliance deliveries at the best prices.
Im a Lifestyle Photographer based in Centurion specialising in newborn ♥ maternity ♥ couples ♥ engagement ♥ family ♥ functions
Come learn a kaleidoscope of craft skills @ Craft studio. We offer a variety of different projects, team building facilitation and much more!!!
J.M.M.I is intended to share with you from my heart the things the Lord has put in my heart, and that I continue to learn from the Lord. the intent is TO EQUIP PEOPLE FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM DOMINION. BLESSINGS!
n Wollie gaan GROOT of gaan huis toe!!!!
Building a variety of pieces, striving to deliver a good service at a competitive price and all our customers, all being treated with integrity.