If you are looking at opening multiple lines of income, earn a passive income part time at home. If you would like to make over R21 000 part time then you are at the right place.
Basic Computer Skills Introduction to Computers Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Access Microsoft Outlook (Internet & Email)
Townhouse complex at Emfuleni Golf Estate, Vanderbijlpark. For more information see www.emfulenigolfestate.com
A small coffee shop / restaurant in the small town of Tesselaarsdal.
Promoting drifting in South Africa
The new Hip Hop Empire
Quaintly situated right on the banks of the mighty Umzimvubu River just as you enter Port St Johns and boasting impressive views of the River and bird-life
NONESI MALL is situated at the corner of Komani Street and Victoria Road in the Queenstown CBD.The mall boasts more than seventy exciting stores.