Feel Green Jezersko
Turistična agencija Feel Green Travel agency specializes in sustainable tourism, particularly in the South-East Europe.
In our offer you won’t find typical travel arrangements which usually include large hotels and ‘last minute’ deals. We focus only on what we know best. We organize trips to unspoiled nature, always in small groups. We travel slowly, on foot or by bicycle, and we are always accompanied by the best local guide.
If you like to relax and recharge your batteries in places with special natural beauties and you care how your visit will impact the environment and the local communities, then let us help you. Feel green!
Ecotourism is at the heart of our business, so our programs include eco-friendly accommodation, responsible attitude towards nature, green mobility and healthy local cuisine.
Our programs are designed for both individual guests and organized groups. In our kids' camps we try to convey sustainable living also to our youngest.
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Iiii, pa smo le dočakali sneg! Tako smo veseli, da bomo nekomu, ki bo podelil tole objavo, podarili 10% popust na naš otroški zimski tabor v Kranjski Gori. Splača se deliti, fajn bo! Več informacij na: http://www.feelgreen.si/tabori-za-otroke/zimski-tabor-kranjska-gora