LINERAfest Line Dance Festival
Keep up to date on the latest news concerning LINERAfest to be held at Gorje/Bled, Slovenia on September 14. - 16. 2018. 4th International Line Dance Festival LINERAfest, 15. - 17. September 2017 Gorje / Bled, Slovenia. Workshops, Social Dancing, Saturday Night Dance Show, Technical Training. Line Dance, Country Line Dance, Catalan Style. LINERAfest Line Dance Festival gives you not only the oportunity to meet new friends but also helps you to reach your dancing goals.
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facebook.comWhat a photo 😎😎😎 Credit: Sabina Belehar #LineDance #UnitedBoots
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Friday - Freitag - Petek 😎😃😁
Carnival brings out the child in everyone ❤️ Jurka Blažko Friedrich Malle Ursula Kellner-Hermüller Muppet Show Dance Post your carnival photo in comment, tag a friend and challange him/her 🤠🤡👹🔥❤️
Nice winter view of Bled Slovenia. We would like to welcome all Line Dancers to join us at 5. LINERAfest Line Dance Festival - September 14. - 16. 2018 in Gorje/Bled, Slovenia. As we like to say - Line Dance Festival with a view 😍
Coppy link of your Line Dane of the Week in comment - or like one ... Kopire Link von deinem Line Dance der Woche in Kommentar ... Kopiraj povezavo od tvojega najljubšega Plesa v komentar - ali pa samo všečkaj že objavljen ples
Roy Verdonk, Jonas Dahlgren and Jef Camps won Christal Boot Award in chategorie absolute beginner dance on music Oh Carol. Roy won also in cathegory Adwanced Dance on music Run Me Like A River together with Guillaume Richard, Jef Camps and Jo Kinser & John Kinser. Congrats 🍾🍾🍾 #CrystalBootAwards #LINERAfest #UnitedBoots
Daniel Trepat, Fred Whitehouse and Simon Ward with dance Hurts like Cha Cha just won a Crystal Boot Award. Congrats 🍾🍾🍾 ”Never won a crystal boot award And Hereby I wanna Thanks Simon And Fred for this, you Guys rock And it was really an honor to choreograph it with you too! ” said Daniel after he got the news. #CrystalBootAwards #LINERAfest #UnitedBoots
5. LINERAfest Line Dance Festival And so I wake in the morning And I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high ... What show would you like to see from Maggie Gallagher, #RoyVerdonk & Daniel Trepat on LINERAfest September 14. - 16. 2018 Municipality of Gorje / Bled Slovenia? Put your answer in a commnet. Kakšen šov si želiš od Maggie, Roya in Daniela na LINERAfestu 14. - 16. September 2018 Gorje / Bled? Napiši v komentar :) #4NonBlondes #WhatsUp #LINERAfest #LineDance #UnitedBoots
5th LINERAfest September 14. - 16. 2018 in Municipality of Gorje / Bled Slovenia with leading instructors #RoyVerdonk, Maggie Gallagher, Daniel Trepat 5. LINERAfest od 14. - 16. septembra 2018 Zgornje gorje in kot se za ljubilej spodobi z vodečimi instruktorji Roy Verdonk, Maggie Gallagher, Daniel Trepat #Country #Catalan #Modern
🤭 #LINERAfest #UnitedBoots
LINERAfest is shaping up to be fun, exciting, and spectacular line dance festival in Slovenia with dance workshops, technical workshops, private lessons, DJ music, dance show .... Join us from September 14th to 16th, 2018 with leading instructors #RoyVerdonk & Maggie G Line Dance Choreographer & Daniel Trepat, Waste no more time in making your plans to get out to Municipality of Gorje / Bled Slovenia for this brilliantly fun weekend. #LINERAfest #UnitedBoots