OVERLOAD is a musical society - association, fraternity, subculture and media that brings quality music and events to both Slovenian and foreign audience
The unique group of talented and promising artists from various fields with a rich and solid track of references provides an unforgettable clubbing atmosphere for house, tech-house and techno music. We organize with great enthusiasm and attention for details to insure best possible experience. We welcome you in fabulous world of music, fun, unforgettable nights and great company. Overload is here, with and for you, as many before you will not be disappointed!
OVERLOAD je glasbeno društvo - združenje, subkultura in medij, ki prinaša kakovost glasbe in dogodkov, tako na slovenski kot na tuji elektronski glasbeni sceni.
Edinstvena skupina nadarjenih in perspektivnih umetnikov z različnih področij z bogato in trdno stezo referenc zagotavlja nepozabno vzdušje za house, tech-house in techno glasbo. Naše evente organiziramo z velikim navdušenjem in pozornostjo za podrobnosti, da omogočimo kar najboljšo možno izkušnjo. Pozdravljamo vas v pravljični svet glasbe, zabave, nepozabnih noči in veliko dobre druzbe. Overload je tukaj z vami in za vas. Tako kot mnogi pred vami ne boste razočarani!
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facebook.comOverload's cover photo
Club Rotovž
Pictures from saturday in Maribor Overload meets MARC Grabber (CRO) & BRLEE | club Rotovž, 11/6/2016
Outload at Coco cafe & Beach bar 24.6.2016
Timeline Photos
Next weekend Overload in Maribor! See you @ Overload meets MARC Grabber (CRO) & BRLEE | club Rotovž, 11/6/2016
Overload closing w. UNDERCATT(DIYNAMIC)
BRLEE BDay Gathering
Overload closing w. UNDERCATT Overload
End of season that we will remember for a long time! Here are pics from Overload closing w. UNDERCATT(DIYNAMIC) / BRLEE BDay Gathering! Next stop: LYNX allnighter 2016
Overload's cover photo
Our very last performance before the summer on Štajerska!! See you in Maribor :) Overload meets MARC Grabber (CRO) & BRLEE | club Rotovž, 11/6/2016
Today they are opening the main stage at DIYNAMIC FESTIVAL in Amsterdam!! Tommorow they are with us in Valentino Club Ljubljana!!! Don't miss! See you on the dance floor!!! #undercatt #diynamic #overload #valentinoclub #ljubljana Event link:
Line - up & Afterpary! See you on the dancefloor!
BRLEE @ Ambasada Gavioli w. SOLOMUN
Brlee is celebrating on saturday his 33 BDay, here is his present for U :) live video cast @ SOLOMUN at Ambasada Gavioli!! Lets do this AGAIN on Overload closing w. UNDERCATT(DIYNAMIC) / BRLEE BDay Gathering
Ambasada Gavioli
Tomorrow is big day for us! Brlee is performing last on main floor after our big king SOLOMUN! SOLOMUN at Ambasada Gavioli