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Unec Mentoring

faculty of law, Unec, Slovenia
College & University



Mentoring of law students by the Alumni  Introduction
On the 23rd of August 2013 the university of Nigeria law class 1991 launched an E-mentoring programme for the final year students of the faculty of law.
The purpose of the programme   is an opportunity to Change the future lives of our final year students by sharing our knowledge and experience.
To trial the scheme we put together a team of professionals as mentors from amongst the year group .  The exciting aspect is that we are based   all over the world.
It is an opportunity you should not MISS   !
   * A supportive form of development.
   * It will focus on helping you to manage your career and improve your skills.
   * Personal issues can be discussed more productively.
   * improve your overall self-perception.
           * It will give you an overall boost in your confidence.
           * Your mentor will give you over all ideas and guidance.
           * You will Learn to change your mind set..
           * It will focus on your career choices and future development
           * Possible unpaid work experience.

           * LEARN the realities of the real world after your education.
           * A professional connection   Gaining from your mentor's expertise
           * Receiving critical feedback in key areas, such as communication,
            Interpersonal relationships, technical abilities, and leadership skills
           * Learning specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to your professional and
              Personal goals
           * Networking with a more influential employee of various organizations and
             Business groups..
           * Having a friendly ear with which to share frustrations as well as success
  The benefits are so many………Try it and see   !


    How do I apply ?

You must have access to an email address and computer OR phone – All communication will be electronic .

