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MapDesign, Cartographic Studio

Motnica 15, Trzin, Slovenia
Professional services



We offer professional services in the field of cartography (production of maps) and design (illustration, graphic design and desktop publishing).


MapDesign, Cartographic Studio's cover photo

MapDesign, Cartographic Studio's cover photo

IGN (Institut national de l'information géographique et forestière)

Potek izdelave reliefnih kart: 1. Zemljevid oz. karta je natisnjena na folijo iz polipropilena. 2. Folija je postavljena prek modela. 3. Z okvirjem je folija tesno pritisnena ob model. 4. Grelec nad folijo polipropilensko folijo omehča. 5. Skozi luknjice na modelu se vpiha zrak in tako folijo napne. 6. S posrkanjem zraka se folija preoblikuje po modelu. 7. Ko je grelec odstranjen, se folija strdi in tako dobimo RELIEFNO KARTO. Postopek je dokaj hiter, vendar glavni strošek izdelave reliefne karte je izdelava karte in predvsem modela. Zato se tovrstne karte izdelujejo le v večjih nakladah. ----- The process of relief maps production: 1. The map is printed on a sheet of polypropylene. 2. The sheet is placed over the model. 3. With frame the sheet is tightly pressed against the model. 4. The heater softens the polypropylene sheet. 5. The sheet is tensioned with air which is inflated through the holes in the model. 6. The sheet is transformed into the model when the air is sucked. 7. When the heater is removed, the film is solidified and we get the RELIEF MAP. The process is quite fast, but the main cost of the relief maps is map making and foremost production of the model. Therefore, such maps are produced only in larger editions.

Timeline Photos

Orientacijska karta Gozdne učne poti Josefa Ressla v Lipici bo uporabljena tudi na Evropskem pokalu v precizni orientaciji, ki bo 18. in 19. marca 2017. / Orienteering map of Education trail of Josef Ressel in Lipica will be used at European Cup in trail orienteering on March 18 and 19, 2017.

Timeline Photos

Žiri orienteering map

Spremembe po mojem pregledu karte za orientacijski tek Žiri. / Changes after my inspection of the orienteering map Žiri.

Žiri orienteering map

How Mapmakers Make Mountains Rise Off the Page

Mapas Milhaud

Mapas Milhaud

Photos from MapDesign, Cartographic Studio's post

Drawings of the facades of the medieval town Radovljica. Risbe fasad srednjeveškega mesta Radovljica.

Photos from MapDesign, Cartographic Studio's post

Five people who revolutionized map making - HERE 360

Map Year celebrations in Slovenia

Map Year celebrations in Slovenia


BLIZU MapDesign, Cartographic Studio