Mavrica apartmaji Bohinj
Apartments Mavrica, Bohinj is a family owned property welecoming guests from all over the world since 1995.
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Pozni pogled iz Južnih Bohinjskih gora - Soriška planina A late view from the Southern Bohinj mountains - Sorica highpasture Avtor: Jošt Gantar
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Pozdrav iz Bohinja Greetings from Bohinj
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Avtorica: Mankica Kranjec
Recipe for mulled wine: wait untill outside temerature reaches zero. Try your best to find a not empty bottle of (red) wine in your home, pour it into a pot. Don't be a seller at a christmas fair and add NO water. As usual add some sugar, cloves and cinnamon. Heat it on meduim heat, which is easier with old fasiones heat stoves rather than new ceramic or induction ones (right?) and cook it until it starts boiling or even better, not really to that point. Serve it with your friends, who, this time, came to your place on time and have a nice evening - or afternoon - but not morning :D
Na svetu si, da gledaš sonce. Na svetu si, da greš za soncem. Na svetu si, da sam si sonce in da s sveta odganjaš – sence. (T. Pavček) You are on earth to view the sun. You are on earth to track the sun. You are on earth to be the sun that shadows always shun. (T. Pavček)
France Prešeren : Poems : The Baptism
Ta veseli dan - 3. december Today is the birthday of our greatest poet, France Prešeren. One of his works is also the only Slovene national epic which takes place - in Bohinj. The Baptism on the Savica (Krst pri Savici) - waterfall Savica - narrates about a hero and the woman he loves in the time of violent Christianisation of the predecessors of the Slovenes. A part of it in english can be read here:
Mavrica apartmaji Bohinj's cover photo
Svetovni pokal v biatlonu na Pokljuki letos od 8. - 11. decembera. World cup biathlon at Pokljuka from 8 - 11th december. Info:,,.htm - National Meteorological Service of Slovenia - National Meteorological Service of Slovenia
Iiiin 12 toočk za naaajboljšoo vremenskoo postajooo greee ... Aaand 12 points fooor the beest weaaather statiooon goo tooo ... :)
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Včasih se splača vstati zgodaj zjutraj. Sometimes it is worth to wake up early.
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Kosilo z razgledom. Lunch with a view.
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Vaza ali obraza? Vase or two faces? :P