Pole dancing Stars Sezana, Pole Dancing School, Pole Fitness, Pole Art, Vertical sport
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Opening Hours
- ponedeljek
- 09:00 - 21:00
- torek
- 09:00 - 21:00
- četrtek
- 09:00 - 21:00
- petek
- 09:00 - 21:00
facebook.comPRIKLJUČITE SE K ZAČETNIŠKI SKUPINI OB TORKIH IN ČETRTKIH ob 17. uri! NE ODLAŠAJTE, ZAČNITE DANES! Če želite postati močne, gibčne in vzdržljive, pole dance je edina vadba, ki vam to omogoča!
Workshop with Aleksandra Volkova, hurry up and make the reservation, just few free places!
#poledance #poleelements #poletraining #polesport #plesobdrogu #vadba #fitness #jade #split throug inside hang leg Raffaella Zaccaron 💪💪💪👏👏👏🌷❤
#poledanceelements #plesobdrogu #fitness #vadba #splitthroughinside hang leg #power #fit Roberta Purich ❤🌼🌻⚘💪💪💪
Za nami je teden uspešnih treningov :) #motivation #poledance #poledancetraining #poledance #power #shapeyourbody & your #soul
Pole dance Sežana se predstavi z "božičnim" nastopom, vstop prost!
Poledancing is not simply a sport but a way of being....strong, determinated, selfconfident, disciplined!so believe in yourself first, because you can do it too!(i)❤
#freestyle #exotic poledance #improvizirano ogrevanje pred treningom #polelife #polexotic #highheels
Novi urnik za sezono 2017/2018! Pohitite s prijavami, ker v ponedeljek začenemo z vadbo! Za vse informacije pokličite na številko, ki je objavljena na tej strani!
This time I am going to Sežana, Slovenia :D Workshop for Exotic flow will be held in amazing studio Pole Dance Sezana on Sunday at 11.00 :D Duration: 90 minut Start: 11.00, 04.03.2018 Lokation: Pole Dance Sezana, Partizanska cesta 37, Sežana To apply: #Exoticflow #Exoticpoledance #Poledanceexotic #Workshop #LessandraVolk

Super sorriso ieri after training, dopo due ore e mezza non sentivo più le braccia, ma il rossetto è rimasto perfetto 😂😉 #poledancer #poledance #aftertraining #sport #fitness

Per #halloween #poledanceparty #poledance #pole #exoticpoledance #exotic #pleasershoes #pleaser #pleasers #picoftheday #ivypark #training #muscles #back #filter

Zakoooon je blo 😍💪🏻👠 punce suuuupeeer ste ❤️❤️ hvala za super energijo ☀️☀️☀️ Amazing girls from amazing Sežana pole Dance studio 💪🏻😇👠 such an amazing energy!!! Воркшоп удался - девчонки вы крутые 😊 #workshop #exoticpoledanceworkshop #poledanceslovenia #poledancesensual #poledancesezana #pole #polefun #polerina #polelove #poledance #poledancing #poledanceslovenia #sežana #poleexotic #poleexoticdance #exoticflow #exoticpoledance #poledanceexotic #ples #plesobdrogu #plesobdrogujezakon #lessandravolk #delavnica #superpunce #полданс #полденс #полденсэкзотик #экзотикфлоу #полдансэкзотик #экзотик

There is big difference between what you want and what you are willing to work and sacrifice for. #showingtricks #poledancer #eveningtraining

#comewithsunleavewithstars #nighttraining #workingonflexibility #poledance #polestars #polenation #poledancingmotivation #polefitness @poledancerka #leggings #pole❤️ #polegirls #after3hours #walkingdead @poledancingstarsseza #nopainnogain

#photobomb #colleagues #nighttraining #poledance #polenation #trainmean #newtrick #beyourownkindofbeautiful #gettingthere #doubletraining #bruises #nopainnogain #outofcomfortzone

#polestars #newtrick #fishpole #afternoonvibes #trening #polefitness #happy #poledance #polenation #trainmean #progressnotperfection #befaithfulltoyourself

#Progress#my work#3months#workout #since october#my steps, my sweat, my bruises, my pride, my happiness# yes, I can#you could too ;) #poledance ❤

#morningmotivation #workout #poledance #007 #You can make it happen, watch it happen or wonder what the hell happened 💋

#pustiscoming #carnivalmoodactivated #poledance #panda #mimetica #collanahawaiana #tabletop #figure

#newfigure #halfchopper #poledance #poledancer #poldancing #happy #smile #poledancesezana #mirror #blondehair
