Predstavitev Gradu Sevnica, bisera v ogrlici posavskih gradov. The Sevnica Castle, situated on the hill above the old town centre, and the Lutheran Cellar on its slope are two of the city’s biggest attractions. The castle holds different museum collections and the two nicely renovated buildings nowadays mostly play a cultural and representative part.
In the castle one can also find a reception room in baroque style with a meeting room, a conference and a wedding hall and a gallery. On the 2nd floor of the southeastern tower the visitors can feast their eyes on the beautifully renovated late-baroque frescos. On the 1st floor of the southwestern tower there is a recently renovated chapel in renaissance-baroque style. The castle also holds a school- and firefighting collections, collection on exiles and the collection ‘Kamni govorijo’, ”Talking Stones’. In this collection the remainders of the stone statues offer a glimpse of the life in the late Roman era in this area. There is also the gallery of decorative arts collected by Ivan Razboršek. In the castle one can also find the Castle puppet theatre, whose performances are frequently enjoyed by the children. Due to its incredible acoustics the Lutheran cellar with its renovated façade and roof often hosts musical concerts and other events.
The castle offers many attractions and activities:
-visitors of the castle can watch short films about Sevnica, the castle’s
history and a well-known archeological park Ajdovski gradec
- it offers many permanent and temporary exhibitions (baroque salon, tower with frescoes, wedding and conference hall, school collection, firefighting collection, exile
collection, Castle Chapel, the Ornamental Arts Collection of Ivan Razboršek
and other collections from various artists etc.)
- Sevnica Castle Puppet Theatre with workshops and puppet & theatre plays for the youngest visitors
- on the terraces of the castle hillside stretches a Castle's Vineyard with 500 Blue
Franconian vines
- Castle wine cellar with a vast choice of wines & wine tastings & local delicies
- Castle café with
- Castle granary
- Castle Souvenir Shop
- Castle park with marked energy spots and mighty trees
- Magnificent Castle Weddings. They is especially recommended in
the summer time when the weather is clear and the ceremony can be held
in the gorgeous castle park.
- Animated tours for the youngest which provide children with an insight
to the life of Baron Moscon and his escorts & Castle games & workshops
- In the summertime the castle hosts the traditional cultural Summer Festival, which is a series of cultural and entertainment events.
»You are invited to discover the unique experience of the castle’s lavish treasury of offers – let us take you and your young ones into the time of knights and princesses, take a tour of the lavish castle halls, taste exquisite wines in the castle’s wine cellar or beer & other drinks in the Castle café, experience amagnificent wedding in the castle’s park and relax under the mighty trees, you can become the godfather of the castle’s Blue Fraconian vines ...«
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facebook.comPosavje, full of opportunities!
Rezervacij porok v letu 2017 na našem gradu je že mnogo, zato vse zainteresirane, ki se še niste prijavili, pozivamo, da se prijavite čim prej, da boste lažje izbrali želeni datum in uro poročnega obreda. Dobrodošli! Informacije:
Dobrodošli! / Welcome!
Dragi obiskovalci! Obveščamo vas, da bo grad za vodene oglede odprt tudi med prazniki. V ponedeljek, 31. 10., od 13. do 18. ure, v torek, 1. 11. pa od 12. do 15. ure. S 1. novembrom se namreč prične zimski odpiralni čas (petek 15h-18h in sobota, nedelja, prazniki 12h-15h). Grajska kavarna pa obratuje po naslednjem del. času: PONEDELJEK - ČETRTEK: 17:00 - 22:00 PETEK: 12:00 - 24:00 SOBOTA: 10:00 - 24:00 NEDELJA: 9:00 - 22:00 Dobrodošli!
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V petek prihaja na naš grad izjemen kitarist Tilen Pusar. Vabljeni!
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Dobro (nedeljsko) jutro! :) Grajska vrata so se odprla, Grajska kavarna (ki je danes odprta do 20. ure) priporoča ... V ponudbi so tudi odlična kava, slastne tortice, sladoled, vino in pivo z vseh vetrov. Vabimo vas na voden ogled po gradu od 13. do 18. ure, ko je odprta tudi Grajska vinoteka, v kateri je več kot 40 odličnih vin lokalnih vinarjev, tradicionalne sevniške salame in sevniški salamini (Grajske Mesnine). V grajski sprejemnici pa zanimivi lokalni spominki in izdelki... Danes si lahko še zadnji dan ogledate razstavo likovnih del Nik Anikis Skušek. Dobrodošli!
Photos from Sevnica Castle's post
Nocojšnji Radogost večer je zopet postregel s pestrim in prijetnim kulturnim programom. Za navdušenje obiskovalcev sta poskrbeli prof. Karolina Vegelj Stopar na klavirju ter likovna gostja, kiparka Višnja Markovinović iz Zagreba. Ogledali smo si tudi razstavo slik Nik Anikis Skušek ter od gospe Berta Logar prejeli likovni deli Aleša Logarja v zahvalo za gostovanje razstave njegovih likovnih del v mesecu juliju. Hvala vsem. Grajske prireditve nadaljujemo v petek ob 19h z Večerom argentinskega TANGA! Vabljeni.
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Prihodnjo sredo, 14. septembra, na naš grad prihaja svetovni popotnik, humanitarni delavec in aktivist za človekove pravice g. Tomo Križnar. Vabljeni na zanimivo predstavitev z multivizijo.
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Med rednim vzdrževanjem (nego) dreves v okolici gradu nas včasih narava preseneti s takšnim prisrčnim prizorom.
VEČER Argentinskega TANGA
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Veselimo se novega zanimivega dogajanja za naše najmlajše! Vabljeni tudi atiji, mamice, dedki, babice ...! Se vidimo 17. 9.!:)
