Milleo Apartments
Our apartment is a 97m2 accomodation in the center of Portorose with a wanderful sea view that could be hired for short or long period by up to 8 persons.
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facebook.comWe will do our best also in the future. MILLEO Apartments
Poletje se bliža in prostih je le še nekaj terminov: 15.6.-30.6.2017, 15.7.-21.7.2017, 7.8.-12.8.2017 in 1.9.-30.9.2017. Summer is almost here and we have only a few dates available: 15.6.-30.6.2017, 15.7-21.7.2017, 7.8.-12.8.2017 and 1.9.-30.9.2017. You are welcome. MILLEO Apartments
Milleo Apartments
Imamo še do 3 prosta ležišča za študente za obdobje od novembra 2016 do junija 2017. We still have up to 3 beds free for students from November 2016 to June 2017.