Kennel Gregorjanski
We are dedicated to two gorgeous breeds West Highland White Terriers and Sealyham Terriers. Here you can follow us, our dogs, litters and show results.
Kennel Gregorjanski got it’s name directly from idea of a good friend and recognized international cynological judge Mrs. Jelka Simčič. Years ago when we had a debate about Kennel’s names she just like a bolt from the blue said: » Why it couldn’t be Kennel Gregorjanski?«.
So it remained, thus the name of the kennel derive from second personal name of the owner and therefore has a broader meaning. It also bears the symbolism, because we all know that the birdies on “Gregorjevo” (Valentine’s Day) mate and announce the first day of spring.
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facebook.comNaša Poki je že naveličana čakanja, da pride pomlad... ❄️🐾🌷 Our Poki is yet tired of waiting for spring to come... ❄️🐾🌷
CACIB Celje 18.2.2018 Od leve / From left: Cheryl, Ruby in/and Bond :) :) :) Cheryl Bílá amfora, BOB (razred veterani / veteran class). Cheryl je včeraj zaključila Ch. veteran Slovenije. / Yesterday Cheryl closed veteran Ch. of Slovenia. :) :) :)
Rovi narejeni... Passages done... Tunnel gemacht... ☃️❄️❄️
IV. Mednarodna razstava psov vseh pasem Ljubljana, 01. in 02.09.1934. Neverjetno......84 let nazaj je bilo na razstavi 9 sealyhamskih terierjev, od tega 3 iz slovenske vzreje iz psarne Podgora. IV International Dog Show in Ljubljana for all breeds, 01. and 02.9.1934. Unbelievable.....84 years ago 9 Sealyham Terriers were on that Dog Show, 3 of them from Slovenian Kennel Podgora. Hvala za informacijo / Thank you for info: Simon
Srečno novo leto! 🥂🍾✨ Frohes neues Jahr! 🥂🍾✨ Happy new year! 🥂🍾✨
Čakamo na Božička... 🎄🎁☃ Wir warten auf's Christkind... 🎄🎁☃ We are waiting for Santa... 🎄🎁☃
Naše punce uživajo v sončnih jesenskih dneh. Our girls enjoy in sunny autumn days. 🍂🍃🍁🌞🌻🌾🐾
Quilla Gregorjanska alias Poki <3 Takole čaka na miške v skalnjaku 🐁🐁🐁... She is waiting for mice in the rock garden like that🐁🐁🐁...
Mars Gregorjanski vas sprejme v koči na Dobrči (1478m)! Mars Gregorjanski welcomes you in mountain cottage on Dobrča (1478m)!
S težkim srcem, pa vendar. Danes je v nov ljubeči dom odšel Trigelawus Gregorjanski! <3 With a heavy heart, but still. Today Trigelawus Gregorjanski went into a new loving home! <3
Thor je včeraj prispel na Irsko! <3 Thor yesterday arrived in Ireland! <3